33 Questions 388 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Juan-Esteban Palomar Tarancon
Relativity Theory states that time is not the same for all observers. Perhaps what we understand by physical time is the module ║(t1, t2..)║ of some vector t = (t1,t2...). Until we do not prove...
07 July 2016 7,782 43 View
Let L denote the usual formal language used in mathematical literature. If a formula P in L is the definition of a mathematical construction O, then "O" denotes, simply, the corresponding symbol...
07 July 2015 7,315 3 View
The real number definition requires de limit concept corresponding to the standard topology. If we forget the topological structure of R, then its definition vanishes. I think that, handling...
02 February 2015 3,018 13 View
Stating abstract theories, we can assign any truth-value to each membership relation.A different situation occurs in the real world. For instance, if E denotes the set of all old men, the...
10 October 2014 7,077 23 View
To avoid any loss of time by submitting manuscripts to inadequate journals, in this websites you can try finding out the best...
07 July 2014 1,828 90 View
Consider a finite set, for instance {1,2,3,4}. We can define a bijection reversing the order, that is, f(1) = 4, f(2) = 3, f(3) = 2, and f(4) = 1. However, I think that is not possible to state a...
06 June 2014 1,149 30 View
For low-risk prostate cancer, Cyberknife is a good device less invasive and with lower side-effects than others, like surgery. Nevertheless, it is difficult to get outcomes obtained through more...
03 March 2014 7,443 8 View
Every day we are receiving "call-for-papers" spam from new journals with anonymous editors. It seems a predatory metastasis from a new cancer invading scientific community. I think that those...
01 January 2014 2,216 5 View
In general programming languages, like java, C# etc. use dichotomic logic. Perhaps it is not necessary, however three-valued logic can be more expressive and will improve readability. See an...
01 January 2014 4,877 10 View
Some algorithms are clearly fixed-point based. For instance, those algorithms sorting lists or simplifying expressions. To illustrate this topic, let A denote a sorting algorithm that works by...
10 October 2013 1,099 4 View
Randomness can be due to a lot of unknown hidden causes. In this case, the random nature is an "optical delusion;" but, in fact, they are phenomena determined by their causes. By contrast,...
08 August 2013 8,277 23 View
Consider the following facts. 1) Any learning process starts from ignorance. For instance, when a human begins learning to play violin, he only produces bad sounds. From the first bad sounds he...
07 July 2013 390 24 View
Notice that the well-known gravitational field of Sun M/d^2 works fine when calculating planet orbits. At d=0 the field becomes infinite. It is a singular point. However, we know that at d = 0 by...
06 June 2013 523 62 View
Consider the following quotation from Max Planck, the father of quantum mechanics. An important scientific innovation rarely makes its way by gradually winning over and converting its opponents:...
06 June 2013 8,978 5 View
If you split a length into inches, then you can compare two of them in order to test whether or not they are equal in length. However, if you split a time amount into seconds, you cannot compare...
06 June 2013 4,036 21 View
Firstly, l define what I mean by structure equation. The solution of an algebraic equation is a number. The solution of a functional equation is a function, for instance, differential equations....
05 May 2013 789 5 View
Recall that recursive definitions are those defining statements involving the defined object. The defined object can occur either explicitly or implicitly in the recursive definition. For...
04 April 2013 4,323 12 View
The well-know Bernoulii's Theorem shows that the relative frequency of any random phenomenon tends towards its probability as the number of trials tends towards infinity. Thus relative frequencies...
04 April 2013 5,852 0 View
Usually proposed problems are deductive, that is to say, they ask for any construction satisfying a property class P. Indeed all solutions are pairwise analogous, since they have the common...
01 January 2013 7,553 0 View
I think that It could be a good idea to share your good or bad experience in publishing yours papers.
12 December 2012 8,667 1 View
I am opening this thread to expose some questions which are worth investigating. Any non-trivial question on differential equations is welcome. To propose problems in other subjects, please use...
11 November 2012 3,593 2 View
The main feature that a language must possess is its extensibility. When a human being learns a language, after knowing a set of sentences D together with their meanings, he is able to understand...
10 October 2012 7,127 0 View
If your are asked for imagine a cathedral, since "cathedral" is an abstract noun, you must concretize it in a particular case; because no abstract concept can be illustrated by means of a picture...
10 October 2012 743 2 View
It is worth noticing that actual machines, like their theoretical structures, work by splitting information into elementary units, namely, bits or pixels. By contrast, to detect expressions or to...
10 October 2012 1,824 12 View
Consider that existence is an attribute and an attribute is a property of some entity. Perhaps "absolute nothingness" is an absurd expression.
10 October 2012 7,166 20 View
Consider some object X from which is not possible to obtain any information. In other words, no one can be aware of the existence of X. If this is the case, there is no difference between X and...
10 October 2012 3,651 3 View
Obviously, I am asking for some procedure that any human can perform easily.
09 September 2012 7,783 39 View
Great mathematicians, like Gauss or Pointcaré, said that actual infinity does not exist. What it is called infinity is only an endless process. By contrast, Cantor believes that actual infinity...
08 August 2012 933 33 View
To understand the scope of the question, suppose that there are only two particles A and B in the Universe. If A changes its position, then B must also change, because the barycenter of the system...
02 February 2012 3,001 2 View
The following list includes free math software and tools together with the corresponding descriptions and download sites. Operating systems: Scientific Linux: A linux distribution put together by...
01 January 2012 2,633 91 View
Write what you want
01 January 2012 331 6 View
Notice, that if f:K --> M is an injective map which can be defined by a finite statement, then for every y in img(f) there is an x in K satisfying the relation y = f(x), which can be regarded as...
01 January 2012 1,831 27 View
For instance, pi = 3.141592... can be defined as the ratio between the length and the diameter of a circle. Any integer can be defined by a finite sequence of figures, and so on.
12 December 2011 8,018 62 View