Let L denote the usual formal language used in mathematical literature. If a formula P in L is the definition of a mathematical construction O, then "O" denotes, simply, the corresponding symbol squence. For instance, the formula P={2n| n∈ ℕ} denotes the even integer set; while "P" denotes the symbol sequence
{, 2, n, |, n, ∈, ℕ,}.
Let F be the set of all finite definitions in L of subsets of ℕ, and "F"
the corresponding set of symbol sequences. Finally, let G:"F"→ℕ a Gödel numbering function. Take into account that F is countable because, by definition, every member of "F" is a finite symbol sequence. With these assumptions consider the following definition.
P = { G("X") | (X ∈ F) ∧ (G("X") ∉ X) }
This definition is paradoxical, becuase "P" is a finite symbol sequence, hence P ∈ F. In addition, if G("P") ∉ P, then satisfies the definition of P, and consequently G("P")∈P. Analogously if G("P")∈P, then, by the former definition, G("P") ∉ P. Notice that the former definition is a particular case
of Cantor's method.
What is wrong?: Cantor's method?. Göedel numbering?. The usual formal language?...