12 Questions 25 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Jan Kaźmierczak
Since at least the 1950s, specialists from various fields of science have been discussing the social impact of modern products and technologies (in the area called "Technology Assessment" -TA)....
18 April 2021 2,408 7 View
My question is almost a repetition of the title of my article, prepared for this year edition of MAPE International Conference and presented as the preprint on RG. The mai difference is as...
30 July 2020 4,087 0 View
I have decided to not comment my question, because every possible comment from my side would biase your answer. So, what is your 'unbiased' opinion?
04 March 2020 2,016 10 View
The question reflects my thoughts, aimed at identifying new content that can and should be included in educational programs, especially technical universities, in connection with the challenges of...
10 April 2018 6,046 11 View
Reading the reports and publications regarding various projects with the title of the SMART CITY slogan I often get the impression that the participants of these projects omit the need to conduct...
14 December 2017 9,469 6 View
Perhaps my question is a bit humorous, but the problem is quite serious. I have read many papers containing in the title "Smart City" and have not found - as a scientist - a coherent and unified...
28 September 2017 2,484 3 View
In order to successfully teach young students as future engineers, we should, in my view, recognize as precisely as possible their expectations, their hopes and their level of knowledge about the...
26 September 2017 8,776 14 View
In the doctoral thesis of Eugeniusz Piechoczek we analyse posibilities of using - altenatively (?) - MAV (Manned Aircraft Vechicles) and UAV (Unmanned Aircraft vechicles) for the neds of...
10 September 2017 385 2 View
I am involved last years in field of problems called "Technology Assessment" which is focused - in general - on social impact of new technologies and products. Some colleagues ask me (rather...
28 March 2017 8,822 6 View
The progress of digitization and the development of new technologies undoubtedly bring many benefits. However, they can also create or deepen problems related to the social exclusion of certain...
01 January 1970 8,458 8 View
As a rule, actions focused on making an urbanized area smarter are at the same time actions to improve the quality of life (comfort) of the inhabitants of such an area. This statement also...
01 January 1970 8,356 8 View
Discussion about 'smartness' of everything, including 'smart cities' as a leading problem, is currently very wide and intensive. On the other hand, the idea of 'smart city' seems to me as being...
01 January 1970 2,966 7 View