The progress of digitization and the development of new technologies undoubtedly bring many benefits. However, they can also create or deepen problems related to the social exclusion of certain groups of people, such as the elderly, for whom modern technology is still largely unavailable, and even arouses a sense of uncertainty and fear (so-called technophobia). The consequences of such a phenomenon become particularly evident in the situation of social isolation, whose unprecedented dimension is currently observed in the so-called COVID-19 pandemic era. Therefore, it a necessity to answer two questions formulated in the title of this discussion. Even if we know why, the method (how) is not evident. Various authors have proposed various means and tools to be used for the mentioned purpose, but their publications have rather the nature of case studies than of a methodological consideration. This sort of approach, i.e. the occurrence of the phenomenon of social exclusion compounded by a pandemic situation has contributed to the development of the assumptions of the project entitled "Developing the cognitive capabilities of older people through information technology." This project was developed by the INNOVATOR Student Science Club at the Faculty of Organization and Management of the Silesian University of Technology, and its goal is to develop a tool to support the acquisition of competences by seniors in the field of technological content and understand new smart city solutions, such as carrying out everyday activities, e.g. shopping via the Internet, tele-advices or checking public transport timetables. Familiarizing seniors with the operation of electronic devices will allow them to strengthen the relations with the family and the younger generation, e.g. thanks to the use of social networks and the ability to organize a videoconferences. Thanks to this tool, the constantly introduced new limitations in interpersonal contacts will be easily combated, thus eliminating the feeling of isolation and loneliness.

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