11 Questions 19 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from H.H Nguyen
I conduct a thermal stability test for plasmid DNA. In which I put plasmid DNA under 65-degree celsius for about one week. After that, I run an agarose gel check. Here below is what I got: 3 left...
26 December 2016 8,927 3 View
I have conducted a test on transformation efficiency of circular plasmid DNA after some harsh storage period (in which I put the plasmid DNA in 60 Celcius degree for 2 weeks). And results showed...
28 October 2016 1,911 4 View
Providing that I have a single stranded DNA (short fragment ~30 nt) with unknown sequence. What are the experimental methods which could help to determine nucleotide ratio (percentage of A,T,G,C)...
25 April 2016 7,301 2 View
I would like to ask what techniques I could use to measure / monitor the adsorption of DNA on solid surfaces (In my case, it is metal nanoparticles)?
08 April 2016 4,036 3 View
I am facing a weird situation where I got my ligated plasmid in DH5α growing well on the streak plate (overnight), but after I transfered the cells from the streak plate to LB medium, they grow...
15 March 2016 5,876 7 View
I ligated my insert into the between of Xho I and Nde I of pet28a vector (see image), and I am wonderfing if T7 promoter or T7 terminator should be chosen as the primer for sequencing. Could you...
17 December 2015 6,325 5 View
I am doing a DNA hybridization test and wondering how many base pairs i need at least for the hybridization reaction to occur. Could you please share your expertise on this. Thank you very much ~
28 May 2015 412 7 View
I would like to ask about a correct washing and drying step for glass slide array experiment without the washing/hybridisation station from company. Washing: Is that as simple as using pipet to...
17 March 2015 6,363 1 View
I think there is a difference between these 2 dillution methods and therefore it might affects the reaction (A+B=AB). Could you please give me some clear explainations on this: I have: Stock A: 10...
07 January 2015 8,112 3 View
I used a 80 bp ds DNA which contains EcoR I recognition site in the middle of the strain, my objective is to obtain 40 bp ds DNA fragment. I used the protocol supplied with my enzyme (from...
04 August 2014 6,228 7 View
Native DNA in cells is known to be in B form, mostly. What about synthesized one?
09 June 2014 1,670 2 View