31 Questions 88 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Hamid Muili
Dear all, does anyone has the estimation code for Xiao (2009) quantile cointegration test.
29 July 2024 6,104 3 View
Dear all, I have a user written estimation code based on the paper dynamic panel data estimations with fixed effect by Galvao(2009). I have seen many papers using this method and pvalue, standard...
23 July 2024 4,558 1 View
The underlying idea behind the environmental Kuznets curve is that GDP per capita initially increases environmental degradation but later reduces the environmental degradation as the result of the...
29 June 2024 923 0 View
Dear researchers, I intend to generate a single composite index variable using an entropy weight method. How can the single index be computed in Stata to generate the using the difference...
08 August 2023 6,270 1 View
I have seen a couple of articles using for instance the log of GDP and it's square in an ARDL model which has both long run and short run while the variables appeared in both part of the model. Is...
05 August 2023 4,528 0 View
Dear all, I have a quarterly data and some monthly data. I want to convert the quarterly into a monthly format where the new data will only have the Q1(MARCH) Q2(JUNE) Q3(SEPTEMBER) AND Q4(...
08 July 2023 2,276 3 View
I recently noticed the new IMF dataset World revenue longitudinal data which gives the data on government revenue for tax, non-tax, total tax and other revenues. However, since there's no specific...
05 March 2023 5,546 0 View
Is there any empirical studies which has used institutional quality as an external instrument for economic growth modelling. What could be the justification for this
11 February 2023 5,780 3 View
Dear all, Is there a website to download the fundamentals of quoted companies such as Apple,Dell. I knew Yahoo finance do provide opening, closing and adjusted closing price on daily basis but not...
27 December 2022 1,607 7 View
recently read a couple of articles claiming that DOLS can also be applied as a co integrating equation even when there's a mixture of I(1 ) dependent variable and I(0) and I(1) independent...
17 September 2022 8,815 0 View
I have seen a couple of article Discussing the importance of education quality especially for OECD using PISA data. Is there any data for education quality for Africa or better proxy for...
01 September 2022 8,821 0 View
Dear reserachers, I am trying to run some estimate in BEAR toolbox version5.1 using my MATLAB2018b. I do encounter an error each time I tried to run an estimate even trying to run the replication...
06 August 2022 9,295 3 View
After the estimation of nested logit using mlogit in R, I need to estimate the marginal effect or elasticity for each alternative levels of the covariates against the reference. Pls I would...
10 February 2022 3,481 2 View
Dear scholars, I Bayesian SVAR better than Recursive SVAR when using annual data considering the low frequency. Recommended references will be appreciated.
13 January 2022 2,209 2 View
Dear scholars, can anyone recommend a python package that estimates nested logit together with the marginal effects of each covariates. I have been trying pylogit but I don't seem to see the...
18 December 2021 8,526 3 View
I have observed that the structural breaks suggested by model structural break test like Chow test or Bai-perron are sometimes different from unit root with structural breaks test such as Lee...
29 November 2021 1,630 9 View
Many empirical papers in economics do have a separate section for robustness analysis after the main estimation which might be the use of another estimator or perhaps using new sets of variables....
22 August 2021 8,557 3 View
Dear researchers, I have been trying to estimate a littlequantile regression with instrumental variables for panel data and I kept getting an error. I believe the error is from the input section....
10 August 2021 4,966 2 View
I am trying to disaggregate a low frequency GDP data to high frequency using a regression based temporary disaggregation method. However, this procedure requires at least one correlated variable...
26 July 2021 9,812 5 View
Dear all, please can anyone help me with how to create the threshold variable array in the Matlab tvarx tool box by Gabriel Bruneau..I have tried all so many ways but I kept getting an error..
02 January 2021 4,011 3 View
Dear all, Please can someone suggest a link to download monthly macroeconomic variables data for Latin american countries..
21 December 2020 3,295 1 View
I am trying to see if there's a connection between globalization and health outcome. Going through the KOFGI data set, there are different categories or forms of globalization which includes :...
18 November 2020 2,678 3 View
Please, I am having issues using biwavelet package in R. I have a data frame consisting of date(col1) and oil price (col2) stockp(col3). After importing the data using read table Mydata=...
31 October 2020 6,709 1 View
Dear distinguished scholars, Can someone help with the matlab code for quantile on quantile regression by Sim and Zhou ( 2015)
26 October 2020 7,740 2 View
Taking a close look at the Sudanese real GDP per capita at 2017 PPP from WDI. it shows that since the first exportation of oil in 1999 even up to 2018, the real GDP has been on the increase even...
29 September 2020 3,877 11 View
Dear scholars, Pls where can I find the code to estimate continuously updated fully modified estimator for panel data by Bai and Kai(2006). Be it Gauss or stata.
19 July 2020 5,430 13 View
I'm trying to check the coherence between a high frequency data and a low frequency data using wavelet.. Is it supported or do I need to convert them to the same nature ..
01 July 2020 1,091 4 View
Dear researchers, I'm working on a project which requires the daily exchange rate of countries, especially OPEC countries.. But all I have been seeing is monthly, quarterly or yearly. Pls I need a...
08 June 2020 9,868 0 View
Dear scholars, Kindly suggest some trending, interesting and researchable topics in development economics with data availability..
01 January 1970 8,927 25 View
01 January 1970 5,510 4 View
I have seen a couple of research articles on the effect of the novel covid 19 on macroeconomic variables. I would like to throw an open question that is it econometric ally ideal to map a discrete...
01 January 1970 9,234 2 View