23 Questions 31 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Hajar Rhylane
Dear all, I'm interested in the analysis of the contact between two deformable bodies using the ANSYS APDL. However, i couldn't reach correct results for the tangential contact problem exactly...
14 May 2024 6,755 1 View
Dear community, I need your support about my simulation. I want to analyse the contact between a rolling wheel and rail as it is shown in the picture using ANSYS APDL but my results are not as was...
30 April 2024 6,507 4 View
Dear community, I am trying to run a transient structural analysis to simulate the rolling contact between a wheel and a rail. However, in the rolling step, the wheel just keeps going through the...
08 January 2024 6,126 4 View
Dear community! I wish my message find you well. I need to simulate rolling wheel and I need to define a local coordinate system at its center to define rotation angle of the wheel about its axis....
08 January 2024 3,559 1 View
Dear community, I need your support about my simulation. I'm trying to do the example shown in this picture using the ANSYS APDL and I need to know from your experience if i correctly defined the...
29 December 2023 5,700 2 View
Dear community, i need to ask you about my simulation in ANSYS APDL. I'm trying to simulate a wheel rolling over a rail using the ANSYS APDL. In my simulation I considered only a piece of wheel...
27 December 2023 7,598 2 View
Dear community, I'm using ansys Apdl and I need to define rigid links (RBE2 option) between one node (master node) and surface nodes( slave nodes). I tried to define this using rigid region...
05 December 2023 687 3 View
hello dear community, I'm doing a static structural analysis in ansys apdl but i didn't know how to define a remote load. The load is placed at one place and i want that its effect be transfered...
19 October 2023 211 2 View
Dear community, I'm searching for a S1002 train wheel stndard profile with a coincity 1:20, 460mm rolling radius and a 330mm transverse tread radius. I need to sketch this profile in ANSYS. I...
21 August 2023 619 1 View
Dear community, I am trying to generate a revolved solid from a sketch. I made a a profile and then i used the revolve function but then when I clicked generate it now says an error: "No Closed...
26 July 2023 4,523 3 View
Dear community, I need to export a 2D sketch from Design modeler to Autocad; I tried to save the geometry file as .x_t file or .igs or .stp file but it show me that this is not possible. Please,...
24 July 2023 7,192 2 View
Dear community, i need your help concerning one issue i have in geometrical modeling in ANSYS. I need to built up in APDL my model ( see the picture) using solid rail with real profile instead...
22 July 2023 2,138 6 View
Dear commubity, I have a question concernig the geometrical modeling. My question is as follows: May i create my geometry in ANSYS Design modeler and save it as a CAD model, and then import it in...
11 June 2023 7,807 2 View
Hello everyone, I am analyzing the harmonic response of a beam in ANSYS workbench and I need to assign the loss factor (hysterisis or structural damping) to the beam I am studying . My question is...
07 March 2022 5,931 2 View
Hello everyone, I am analyzing the harmonic response of a beam in a frequency range [0-50 Hz] but I noticed that the results for the 0 Hz frequency are not provided by ANSYS workbench. would like...
02 March 2022 9,929 5 View
Hello all, I'm running an harmonic analysis in Ansys workbench and I need to know how to assign the structural damping or a.loss factor to combine14 element ? Can someone guide me ? Thank you all
01 March 2022 2,555 0 View
Hello all, i'm trying to analyse the vertical deflection of a beam traversed by a point load as shown in the figure. The load has the following format: F=Pcos( ωt+ϕ) where P is the load amplitude...
15 February 2022 5,853 5 View
Dear all, i'm trying to model a curved beam supported by torsional spring-damper elements and longitudinal spring-damper elements in ANSYS Workbench. I want to do an harmonic analysis on it but i...
20 January 2022 9,039 2 View
Dear all, I want to compare the FEA solution to the analytical solution which is otained from Euler-Bernoulli beam deflection equations. The numerical results were diffrents than those which were...
03 January 2022 5,005 0 View
Hi everyone! I'm trying to change the beam theory: I usually utilize the beam188 or beam189 element type in my simulations, and I discovered on the internet that this element type is based on the...
15 December 2021 4,533 6 View
Dear all, I'm working with the beam 188 element in ANSYS workbench and as it says in the help manual for beam188 " By default, BEAM188 assumed that the effect of warping restraint is negligible...
14 December 2021 472 1 View
Hello everyone, I'm using the ANSYS Workbench and i need to change the BEAM188 into the BEAM189. Could you please kindly guide me on what sort of action should I take to do this? Thank you in advance.
11 December 2021 7,069 12 View
I'm using ANSYS Workbench to analyze the vibrations of a beam subjected to vertical harmonic moving load, and I need to know how can I create this load in ANSYS. Any suggestions please?
21 August 2021 6,909 3 View