31 Questions 255 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Gloria Lee Mcmillan
Dear Colleagues, I am compiling a list of words for an index and I wondered is this exists--sure it does somewhere. The index is for a collection of literary analysis essays. Thanks, Gloria
02 February 2020 2,011 3 View
I am writing play about Van Gogh and I need to have him do more than wandering aimlessly and meeting people. I know some writers just wander along with the protagonist, but I am looking for...
05 May 2019 10,115 1 View
Dear Colleagues, I often encounter some confusion between TECHNOLOGY and SCIENCE. FIRST What is science, if not technology? SECOND How are technology and science intertwined? Your comments,...
02 February 2019 10,006 24 View
Dear Colleagues at RG, As a college English instructor who has taught everything from literature to scientific writing, I was taught ways to read essays in order to grade them that were far from...
12 December 2018 5,659 10 View
Dear Colleagues, I am writing a science fiction story in which graphene is processed in forms used as today's steel is used. The mining and rolling mills will be on a large iron asteroid. The...
06 June 2018 3,660 9 View
The Dirt Lit Project will use a large corpus of Anglophone fiction from the 19th through the 21st C. I hope some people will be willing to be collaborators at any level or advisors to this...
06 June 2018 2,106 3 View
Dear Colleagues, I have not used WINzip that many times and I need to place a corpus of 142 Anglophone novels into a text analysis software. Could somebody help on this. I get into WINzip and...
06 June 2018 10,142 9 View
Dear Anthropological Colleagues and Others, I have a new literary analysis method for studying novels. we will use content analysis to study English-language novels from the mid-19th C. through...
05 May 2018 7,009 39 View
Is the Indian-born cultural theorist Gayatri Spivak's "subaltern" theory a valid approach to the US Rust Belt dominant narrative? This question grows from the study of symbolic conversion theory...
05 May 2018 10,113 13 View
Anthropologists generally study behaviors that persist in human groups. The invention of print media gave a new area for the preservation and transmission of cultural values. Literature,...
02 February 2018 5,483 8 View
Hello, Colleagues, I am having some success in mapping a pop cultural fiction phenomenon from small beginnings, to a circle of cognscenti, to a wild upswing in popularity. There is a dark side...
02 February 2018 6,076 6 View
Often we learn appalling things about a writer or other type of artist. Sometimes the flaws shine through feeble attempts to fictionalize the artist's ideology or other (what appear to be) lapses...
01 January 2018 360 21 View
Often we do that job quite well enough on ourselves. But also we still play tapes in our minds going all the way back to grade school. There are various "overcoming writing anxiety" exercises...
12 December 2017 2,543 16 View
There are people who would like to see the kind of high school-to- industry and business integration of apprenticeship programs. Are any of our RG community working to bring apprenticeships to...
12 December 2017 4,520 10 View
During his editorship of School Arts Magazine from 1920 through 1950, Pedro de Lemos changed the direction of US art education from European fine art masters to a more global focus. There were no...
10 October 2017 8,735 3 View
Respected RG Colleagues, I am following a question about the compartmentalizing of thought. This relates to C. P. Snow's "two cultures" of science and the humanities.Humanities scholars and...
08 August 2017 7,945 80 View
Hello, Is anyone researching William Blake's poem "Jerusalem" as it relates to his experience of the industrial revolution? I am hoping to write periodic articles for a group that is working on a...
04 April 2016 4,649 2 View
I saw one essay in The Ashville Poetry journal about him that seems to show that Sandburg has been underrated.
08 August 2015 2,755 0 View
There are a number of ways to introduce an essay collection. What are your goals in an introduction? What is essential to communicate? In some cases a lengthy discussion of the topic and a...
01 January 1970 1,233 4 View
Hello, Colleagues, I have seen many RG questions about getting a publisher for a text that you have written or that you propose to write. My experience may not be typical and I have but one...
01 January 1970 4,448 11 View
I began reading about empathy, starting with the Routledge text _Re-thinking Empathy via Literature_. Before I began studying empathy, I thought it was all positive. LINK to examine the...
01 January 1970 4,829 50 View
REF: Dr. Louis Ptacek's (U Cal SF) research on the DNA-linked shorter Circadian rhythm "light lark sleepers." These research studies are ongoing and is aimed at finding conditions coming from...
01 January 1970 7,406 1 View
Hello, Researchers, Is anyone studying the costs and benefits of "meme trading" on social media? Is the effect more negative? That is, causing fewer neural connections to be formed because...
01 January 1970 5,124 8 View
As news of this year's Nobel Prizes come out, I am left wondering what practical benefit some of these discoveries have outside understanding basic principles in the universe and chemical...
01 January 1970 4,724 7 View
Hello, Researchers, If you use anything of the Memes rule the World dataset slide show attached below, I will appreciate a citation. This is MLA format. McMillan, Gloria. "Effects of Facebook...
01 January 1970 3,513 66 View
Dear Colleagues, I have read texts from different periods that claim that economics is either based upon some religious foundation or that it isn't or should not be based upon a religious...
01 January 1970 9,271 18 View
I ask because the Waldorf School of Tucson exists only for the business and other well-off people. It brings up children in separateness and doesn't engage in challenging stereotypes of different...
01 January 1970 816 4 View
I just lost a whole text mentioning Theresa Enos (deceased), my dissertation advisor and creator of essay "An Eternal Golden Braid: Rhetor as Audience, Audience as Rhetor" and Victor Vitanza...
01 January 1970 2,004 2 View
INTRODUCTORY REMARKS: The English word empathy is derived from the Ancient Greek word εμπάθεια (empatheia, meaning "physical affection or passion"). ... The term was adapted by Hermann Lotze and...
01 January 1970 476 9 View
Hello, Carolina, Your project is one I have been following among several researchers. There is much resistance in English Deptartments to these activities in the US. Have you used content...
01 January 1970 2,022 3 View
In counting citation impact, we are always looking at popularity. Many new ideas have little or no popularity at first and only later are seen to be valuable. Hedy Lamar's frequency experiments...
01 January 1970 3,829 3 View