37 Questions 355 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Gloria Lee Mcmillan
S. I. Hayakawa and others studied how high-level abstract words, though representing things not physically present agitate the human nervous system. People feel pulled upon and assaulted by...
20 December 2023 1,518 6 View
Are there people interested in reading classic science fiction plays at RG? (on Zoom) It is more difficult to connect with fellow playwrights and actors than in the past. But I will try to keep...
03 April 2023 9,601 6 View
Dear Colleagues, I put up this question at RG in order to find out what is being studied about the effects on people of social media memes as they attempt to find reliable information regarding...
18 May 2020 1,542 18 View
Dear Colleagues, I am compiling a list of words for an index and I wondered is this exists--sure it does somewhere. The index is for a collection of literary analysis essays. Thanks, Gloria
26 February 2020 1,900 4 View
He used spatial separations in his music, I believe.
02 February 2020 4,796 7 View
Dear Colleagues, This morning I invented the egg slicer finger harp. See image. It must be round or, if square, all the notes will be the same pitch. My cat was alarmed since he never heard...
11 April 2019 4,887 5 View
In counting citation impact, we are always looking at popularity. Many new ideas have little or no popularity at first and only later are seen to be valuable. Hedy Lamar's frequency experiments...
17 November 2018 264 3 View
On returning from a visit trip collecting stories and making college class visits at Purdue University and Indiana University regional campuses in northwest Indiana, I have been weighing the state...
09 May 2018 9,207 11 View
Anthropologists generally study behaviors that persist in human groups. The invention of print media gave a new area for the preservation and transmission of cultural values. Literature,...
17 February 2018 6,537 7 View
Dear Research Gate Colleagues, Comments please. I saw some very emotionally moving videos of the tremendous damage in Gary, Indiana, a consequence of the massive withdrawal of industrial...
16 September 2017 3,624 10 View
Dear Researchers, I took Art Eductaion class years ago and the professor cited studies in childhood development that found that children's art participation dramatically lessens after...
20 July 2017 4,334 4 View
The current Metropolitan Opera production (Feb. 2017) is Antonin Dvorak's Rusalka. This opera contains what may be viewed as current events references. The Grove Dictionary of Music entry on...
26 February 2017 7,543 4 View
Hello, Researchers, If you use anything of the Memes rule the World dataset slide show attached below, I will appreciate a citation. This is MLA format. McMillan, Gloria. "Effects of Facebook...
28 October 2016 7,186 65 View
Hello, Research Gate Colleagues, Maybe some of you have been trying something like this. As an experiment I watch unpopular posts running counter to the recursive programming loop aspect of...
05 July 2016 1,569 6 View
Today, June the 16th, is Bloomsday, the day during which the entire events of James Joyce's Ulysses take place.Bloomsday events take place in several countries around the world. Those who have...
16 June 2016 4,317 2 View
I recall an incident that made a great impression upon me. It comes back in mind when something similar occurs. It involved an old professor and a student's rude behavior meant to humiliate him,...
29 March 2016 2,100 13 View
Rhetorical function of...
23 December 2015 4,172 7 View
Dear Colleagues around the world at RG, This is an open forum for your comments. RG is one place where people from all over can exchange views. The world is a rather hostile and violently...
01 January 1970 2,886 50 View
Dear Colleagues, I am a liaison (informal) at my university between science and the arts. I have family in planetary astronomy but this is far afield. LINK to VIDEO:...
01 January 1970 5,961 5 View
In trying to set out the perameters of "social class" in the introduction of a text I am editing upon "social class' and "literature" for Routledge, I fell into a Lewis Carroll rabbit hole of...
01 January 1970 6,342 47 View
Dear Colleagues, Your ideas are most welcome ... regarding social class inclusivity and the formation and development of US College English departments. What were their founding principles?...
01 January 1970 7,254 3 View
Question: since the findings of unmanned missions are many times what are gained by manned space missions why does the public care less about unmanned missions (which cost much less and go farther...
01 January 1970 5,292 8 View
Having a few friends battling cancers I would like to discuss with others whether humor is shown to strengthen the immune system.
01 January 1970 4,248 4 View
Dear Colleagues, I would like to start a group to consider changing the dismissive treatment of rhetoric in colloquial situations to reflect that people become experts in crowd persuasion. If...
01 January 1970 2,633 7 View
We used to have some project that discussed these interesting topics. I hope some of you will start this discussion going from your own perspective. How does art connect with science? My husband...
01 January 1970 5,250 99 View
Dear Colleagues, I am putting together a collection of essays on Literature and Class for the publisher Routledge. Some of you may look at this question with different eyes than mine. So please...
01 January 1970 3,719 8 View
This question seeks to determine how art connects with society. Comments and forwarded studies, art exhibits, plays, music, literature, all have roles to play in this. Please add your...
01 January 1970 5,566 46 View
We have both people in the Arts and the Humanities and the Sciences at Researchgate. Can we think collaboratively here on this question? What new angles may help this earth of ours? How do we...
01 January 1970 8,774 0 View
01 January 1970 7,500 46 View
Dear Readers, This is the latest news from my ongoing work to help bring the arts into better communications with the sciences. Have you studied Poe's texts that may be considered proto-science...
01 January 1970 8,999 13 View
This discussion is a way to create an informal "lab" for talking about how the new format of Zoomed science fiction meetings or sessions with expert guest speakers create knowledge and also help...
01 January 1970 4,002 0 View
We would like to discuss the innovative possibilities of Zoom-recorded plays that are then published to YouTube. SEE our web site and Planet Zoom Players list of plays...
01 January 1970 3,859 2 View
I live in the Sonoran Desert of Arizona and am looking at the potential of what are mostly wasted as weeds here. If you are using this plant for food, have some recipes, etc. please share your...
01 January 1970 4,403 3 View
ALTERNATE VIEW: what is big-data-driven imagery besides something threatening? How can we harness this new tool for unselfish projects to help all of us and the planet?
01 January 1970 5,093 2 View
Dear Colleagues, RE: my project Science and Art Connection I have a play script on the modern experimental composer Charles Ives. I am seeking a young composer not too conventional to work with...
01 January 1970 1,845 0 View
What distinguishes fine art from narrative art? Is this distinction (Bourdieu) important to maintain? For whom? Why? All of these issues in Art History are heating up due to recent shows of van...
01 January 1970 1,447 4 View
Dear Performing Arts "Creatives," We are starting a lab for all of us to share some ideas. I just uploaded an example of a satirical play--our first Planet Zoom Players work--to show our work....
01 January 1970 245 7 View