37 Questions 64 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Deepak Sridhar
I am wondering what that ghost thick outline, which is around the carbon wire image which I have attached. I did prepare my sample in a different method (sonication-dispersion in Acetone- and...
01 January 2020 1,104 10 View
Determination of the Specific Capacitance of Conducting Poly... The above article is a classic paper comparing two and three-electrode measurements for supercapacitors. There are many papers...
10 October 2019 567 1 View
Hello there, Often in the literature, monolyer charge density is available for metal oxides. For example; Ni(OH)2 monloyer charge desnity is 524 microC/cm2. For Ag, 2.10 C/m2 . But how is this...
08 August 2018 5,674 1 View
I am calculating the charge on a metal electrode and I am pretty sure there would be some H evolution in the far left end. So do I account this. What is best technique to subtract this charge...
05 May 2018 7,106 1 View
Hi there, I have used nickel foam for my various experiments. And the manufacturers usually say porosity
04 April 2018 7,229 3 View
Hi there, How do I find the mass of the oxide directly formed on a metal? Eg, say I have copper. I would oxidize it to form copper oxide. How can I calculate the mass of the oxide? JUST THE OXIDE...
04 April 2018 1,583 5 View
The general idea I have is, when we have photo ionised a molecule, vacancy will be created at the core and this vacancy could be filled by the electron in the outer shell (usually transition...
03 March 2018 3,244 7 View
Hi there, Commonly known theory for the growth of carbon nano tubes/fibers, is that a metal carbide which is metastable is formed and then this carbide decomposes to form graphene layers and form...
02 February 2018 1,412 1 View
Hi there I want to determine the electrochemical surface area of CNT on a metal substrate. I would be using Randles- Sevcik equation to determine the surface area. But the problem is, which ion...
07 July 2017 4,225 4 View
Hey there, I need to find out the thickness of metal oxide layer on a metal using XPS data. How do I do this? Is there any free tool to find this out? And what is the logic used for the...
12 December 2016 1,965 2 View
Hi there What is the smartest and quickest way of plotting CV scan data as different sets? regards
09 September 2016 8,207 0 View
I have a CV with H region. I want to remove the charge associated with H. How do I do this in a easy way. Is there any software, which I can make use of regards
09 September 2016 7,882 9 View
Hi there, I want to buy a flat cell specimen holder, that I can use for my 3 electrode electrochemical measurements. We did enquire with Metro-Ohm and they quoted almost $1200+ tax!! Could anyone...
07 July 2016 3,720 4 View
Hi there, We usually purge our electrolyte to remove all the dissolved Oxygen, before running electrochemical tests. Most researchers use Ar or N. Also most researchers purge for around 0.5 hours...
06 June 2016 4,439 4 View
Hi there I need to select only the area of the CV in the discharge region. I used the regional selector tool, but I think it does not work like the way I want. What tool should I use to calculate...
05 May 2016 7,518 4 View
There will be no polarised solvent to act as dielectric. So what will act like a dielectric?
04 April 2016 6,137 1 View
We know AC is cheap, easy to make and also have high surface area and also shows good capacitance behaviour! But are we all so much interested in Graphene, CNT? Even though they have very good...
04 April 2016 1,298 3 View
From the papers what I have read most people simply say that the capacitance increased with N doping. Main reason could be increased wettability (Depends on What type of N doped to Carbon). But...
04 April 2016 5,689 5 View
Both AC and Cblack are amorphous! Both are prepared in the absence of air at elevated temperatures(600-900C), and both have mostly SP2 and a bit of SP3 (I might be ignorant with this). Then why is...
04 April 2016 696 15 View
P=E/t, or P=V2 /(4ESR).................... So will Rct influence the specific power ? And more over most activated carbon electrodes reported in the literature have Rct? Where did they get Rct...
04 April 2016 3,189 2 View
Iron oxide probably wants to lose electrons so could be a good anode. But does it give an overpotential for the oxygen production? What about N doped carbon?
04 April 2016 2,974 2 View
When a EDLcapacitor is charging and discharging we get a rectangular CV (Ideal case). So, is the whole positive sweep considered as charging? Say we have a capacitor which works in the potential...
04 April 2016 8,814 2 View
We know that we get almost a flat rectangle CV, if the EDLC has very low resistance. Can we calculate the resistance from the tilt of the CV curve? Also, why is the I independent of the scan rate...
04 April 2016 681 7 View
I always understand that there is either intercalation happening or there is electro-sorption of the ion (electrolyte ion)on the surface of the transition metal. After this there is a charge...
04 April 2016 251 7 View
How to pick ideal AC and DC voltage for EIS measurements while testing supercapacitor? I understand that AC causes the perturbation for which I will be recorded by the potentiostat, but wha about...
04 April 2016 5,462 5 View
We know charge transfer happens at the electrodes in a supercapacitor or a battery or in corrosion. But what exactly happens during charge transfer in a supercapacitor? How is this electronic...
04 April 2016 2,358 2 View
Hi there How do I copy an image from a PDF file, and us it in ppt/word and still maintain the quality of the image. When I take a snapshot of the image from PDF and paste it in word, they look...
11 November 2015 2,783 6 View
Hi there Why are metal oxides used as positive electrode? Is there any theoretical explanation? I also see that there are papers on using Iron as negative to improve the voltage window[Emperically...
11 November 2015 6,459 5 View
Hi there I see that Nova software just shows the unit of I to be Amperes. I assume it is Amp/cm2. Am I right? regards
10 October 2015 1,848 3 View
Hi there Are there any research related to petroleum sector and graphene based electrodes? regards
09 September 2015 5,486 2 View
Hi Scholars I have frequently observed that many researchers have attributed the diameter of the semi circle in the Nyquist plot as Rct (charge transfer) which is very true in case of a...
05 May 2015 8,639 9 View
I know that, I have FLG by looking at the ratio and the positions of the Raman peak. But I want to fit Lorentzian and I have never done it before using origin. I did try...
04 April 2015 1,252 4 View
Hey folks I was just looking into a software which could help me to draw some schematics for my thesis, also for publications. Do you guys wan me to suggest some software- preferably a...
12 December 2014 373 3 View
Hey folks I have been following the super cap literature pretty closely and every time I see people reporting their Sp. cap., I see there is something wrong. For 2 electrode system I see that...
11 November 2014 5,352 1 View
I was trying to show the capacitance in the form of F/g. We have Graphene over copper during 3 cell test, 1M Na2SO4 used as electrolyte. We get the capacitance from CV curve to be 10^-1 to 10^-2...
07 July 2014 4,553 0 View
I tried dip coating copper and Al substrates which act like current collector. I used 1M Na2SO4 as electrolyte in a 3 cell setup. I purge N on the surface of the electrolyte during CV and purge...
07 July 2014 1,999 8 View
We have used standard 3 electrode setup and also a 2 electrode setup, with 1M Na2So4 as the electrolyte. We perform CV to determine the capacitance. Then I calculated the area under the curve and...
07 July 2014 1,257 11 View