22 Questions 26 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Cody Boyle
I am looking at local field potentials and brain oscillations in vitro and am wondering if the power spectral analysis can be performed in clampfit. Most manuscripts report using a custom script...
10 February 2023 8,392 2 View
I am hoping to recording brain oscillations from acute rat/mouse brain slices. I am looking for advice on how to proceed. I want to record local field potentials in the GAMMA and Theta range....
21 November 2022 5,222 1 View
Can I generate an action potential phase plot from Clampfit software? If so, how does one do it? If not, how can one begin to produce this plot?
12 September 2022 4,268 4 View
Hello-- I have seen some great tutorials for action potential analysis in Clampfit11 but not with Clampfit 10.4. I have included an image of a representative data file and the action potential...
16 June 2022 502 1 View
There has got to be an easier way to make the 3 image atlas composite from single atlas photos. Please see the attachments. I am trying to make a figure similar to the attached "atlas 2" from...
18 October 2021 1,623 2 View
I want to find a good dye to verify cannula placement in SD rat brain following stereotaxic cannula placement. Currently, I am trying Chicago Sky Blue (1% ) in saline
02 June 2021 1,104 2 View
I am performing a series of experiments in SD rats following stereotaxic cannulation. The animals are allowed 7-10 days to recover. Should I be moving the animals to grouped cages (2 rats/cage)...
25 May 2021 6,826 2 View
I read papers that report several neuronal properties between experimental and control conditions and wonder how I should be selecting data to report on. I see some trends. Spike half-width,...
06 April 2021 9,159 3 View
I am cutting rat brain sections at 20um at -20C. The tissue is cutting nicely out of the O.C.T solution, but I can not get a decent section to adhere to the slide. I have included an image.
10 February 2021 1,612 5 View
We used to be able to obtain these data using Minianalysis, but the software recently stopped working on the lab computers. We believe this is due to an update of our computers. (This update was...
09 February 2021 4,613 4 View
In my data set, I am seeing exposure to my peptide of interest leads to significant increases in action potential firing responses. But in the same cell types, I am seeing a decrease in the...
18 November 2020 5,592 4 View
I am looking to study neurons of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. I have seen reports using coronal sections. Others present the distinct nuclei in transverse sections. What is the best...
23 October 2020 3,578 1 View
I am trying to stain free-floating brain slices with a FITC secondary antibody. I think its well known that the brain has autofluorescence and I have attempted to limit this with preincubation...
08 November 2019 1,534 4 View
My question can be further teased apart. Consider the heterogeneity of receptors present on neuronal cells. When recording GABAergic events, for example, why does one choose to use CNQX versus...
07 August 2019 6,600 1 View
I am using the BB1 receptor antagonist PD168368 at 10uM as has been shown in the literature, but am having trouble adequately inhibiting activity through this receptor in the basolateral amygdala...
17 July 2019 3,165 0 View
I have recently begun analyzing electrophysiology data and I want to make sure that I am recording on true events above the noise of the recording. Is there a way to determine a good threshold...
27 June 2019 6,137 4 View
I am new to whole cell patch clamp recordings. In several manuscripts, I noticed several experiments are done with a K+-gluconate solution within the recording electrode, while for other...
23 April 2019 2,732 5 View
Using a mouse model, I will be collecting atrial and ventricular tissues at various ages. I will block the tissues in gelatin and generate 10um sections for immunohistochemistry. Does anyone...
03 January 2019 3,053 5 View
I am running a western blot assay using whole tissue homogenates. The homogenates are from collected mouse brains and I am using two groups an Ames dwarf mouse and a wild-type mouse. I see that...
15 October 2018 3,246 2 View
I want to generate bar graphs depicting log fold changes in gene expression following qPCR experiments. I have Ct values, dCt values, means, SE, and ddCt values. Is there a way to analyze this...
24 July 2018 5,544 3 View
I am running a ChIP Assay using third instar drosophila larvae and am looking for a protocol with MNase digestion. Most protocols I have found have a DNA crosslinking step using formaldehyde. I...
15 May 2018 9,089 0 View
While running qPCR and using small volumes, I want to ascertain that I am pipetting accurate volumes. I have observed some large variation in my sample quantities.
12 April 2018 5,821 3 View