24 Questions 22 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Cenker Aktemur
How can I calculate horizontal and vertical wheel load according to Figure ? There is no specific reference book. I need to calculate horizontal and vertical wheel load (4 wheel and 8 wheel)
16 November 2023 1,069 0 View
Why exergy cost of overall system is only 14.582 $/GJ? Isn't the solution pump a fuel too? Why didn't you include it? Shouldn't it normally be 24,582 $/GJ?
25 November 2022 5,634 0 View
I designed LiBr/H2O single effect absorption refrigeration system using Aspen Plus. Energy analysis is OK. However, exergy destruction rate of solution expansion valve in absorption refrigeration...
24 August 2021 7,343 4 View
THEORETICAL QUIESTION Adding nanoparticles to the base fluid, for example, causes a significant increase in the temperature of the evaporator. What is the reason of this? I want to operate...
12 July 2021 5,645 6 View
desired cooling capacity should be given as input parameter in ejector expansion vapor compression refrigeration systems? if it is given, COP value is higher than non-given cooling capacity? i'm...
24 June 2021 6,036 0 View
Is it possible to calculate entalphy of LiBr/H2O or another solution if we know correlation of specific heat without using any software?
18 January 2021 5,852 3 View
How can I define the following mixture in Aspen Plus: "Potassium formate-Water-AL2O3" If you know, could you please explain step by step via some screenshots from Aspen Plus ?
23 December 2020 5,333 3 View
Although there are already studies in the literature but not much , the use of potassium formate/water or potassium formate+LiBr/Water are not available in the commercial sector for absorption...
17 November 2020 3,110 2 View
How to write the fuel and product exergy balances in the cascade heat exchanger in the cascade refrigeration system?
23 September 2020 2,117 4 View
Is it possible to add heterogeneous catalyst substances to LiBr-Water for absorption refrigeration system ? If yes, how ?
04 May 2020 7,112 0 View
How can concentration in terms of rich and poor be affected by adding nanoparticles to LiBr-Water?
24 March 2020 6,876 7 View
I am working on absorption refrigeration system using LİCl-H2O. I used state points of a article. I confronted a problem using Engineering Equation Solver (EES). Error showed by EES: This equation...
04 January 2020 5,142 2 View
I cannot solve by maple or mathematica software. Can you help me
17 December 2018 847 2 View
I need the lastest EES software. I already have one but it is old version (2013) . Therefore, some refrigerants are not available in it. If you have it, please inform me.
01 January 1970 7,083 11 View
why I need to enter the mass flow rate in stream 1 in aspen plus ? For example, I entered the mass flow rate as 1 kg / sec. I want to change it according to the cooling load of the evaporator but...
01 January 1970 8,286 2 View
I am trying to model a single-effect absorption refrigeration system using LiBr/H2O in Aspen Plus. Who can help me model the absorption cooling system? Please send a private message.
01 January 1970 6,905 6 View
01 January 1970 3,909 3 View
Hello, My reseacrh area is absorbtion refrigeration system with nanofluid. I know how can I calculate the performance parameters of NH3-WATER and LiBr-WATER as a base fluid. But the thing is, how...
01 January 1970 7,377 3 View
why NIST database in ASPEN PLUS have not LIBR+H2O for experimental data ?
01 January 1970 4,550 1 View
I am looking for a postdoctoral position in Europe. I have recently completed my PhD in Mechanical Engineering, where I have focused on the development and optimization of energy systems with a...
01 January 1970 4,466 0 View
Why is the enthalpy and entropy values of aspen plus different from engineering equation solver? Are there any conversion methods?
01 January 1970 6,202 5 View
Do you know how to add nanoparticle to base fluid for absorption refrigeration systems? Base fluid: LiBr/H2O Nanoparticle =CuO Please dont send any rearch article. if you know how to do...
01 January 1970 2,132 4 View
I am looking for a article mate who is interested in thermodynamic cycles and renewable energy sources. Please contact me.
01 January 1970 268 3 View
An air-cooled evaporator will be placed in a room and the evaporator temperature will be -40oC. What should be the air temperature to and from the cold room to the evaporator? The screenshot is...
01 January 1970 5,933 4 View