48 Questions 240 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Arvydas Guogis
Fluidity/flexibility in the present world, with some exceptions, to my observation, mark the crisis of identities in various spheres of life. Can we say "welcome" to these features by not...
04 May 2023 1,148 8 View
Spirituality is about hidden or visible social, psychological and humanitarian values, as well as the deeper inner world of people. Technology means technology itself, as well as - corresponding...
14 April 2023 9,438 11 View
Acceleration in various spheres of life is taking place all-over in the world. Doesn't fast development and rapid tempo cause some problems for You personally or society in general?
27 March 2023 2,335 2 View
The recent events in political life in various countries and internationally are happening with never seen intensiveness and speed. Of course, that needs to be confirmed by social research in...
01 October 2021 2,393 9 View
In some countries there is a rather big percentage of people not taking the social benefits, if they belong to them according the laws. What are the reasons for that in Your country?
05 February 2021 9,088 4 View
Many older readers will agree that prevention in Western policy and politics nowadays is found more rarely than in the second half of 20-th century. Why is it happening?
02 January 2021 3,136 9 View
There are already three kinds of vaccines in the West and two in the East related to COVID-19. Which vaccine is the best to Your knowledge and opinion? - having in mind side effects and else.
08 December 2020 8,294 9 View
Paraphrising the famous philosopher's Erich's Fromm's posed problem "to have or to be?" - what is important to know and to understand for scientists and wider public in the nowadays situation for...
30 October 2020 9,860 1 View
Sometimes it seems that adaptability or innovativeness is a merely psychological phenomena, but in reality the socio-economical environment also matters to develop or follow these features. What...
21 April 2020 4,464 10 View
In business, public administration and other spheres of social life it is necessary to follow adaptability to a certain extent. But innovativeness is a much desired option for development too. How...
06 March 2020 5,119 6 View
Social dialogue has a long history of achievements, at least in Europe. Is it not a phenomena of the past? What do You think about its future?
13 December 2018 8,854 3 View
The most developed social security systems are situated in Europe. But there are obvious signs of emerging of social security in Eastern Asia. What are these signs?
13 December 2018 507 3 View
Modern public administration science has a history only of more than hundred years. Do You agree that this period lacks fundamental public administration theories if compare with political...
28 October 2018 7,848 8 View
Social exclusion marginal groups are often viewed as hindrance for development. Is it possible to look at them as reserve for development?
27 October 2018 2,714 6 View
Neoliberalism is perceived as the opposite to effective social policy and administration. However, there are several countries (as Switzerland in the West and Estonia in the East) which pursue...
23 October 2018 5,965 11 View
Nowadays social and, especially, humanitarian sciences are losing influence. If You agree with this, can You describe the reasons for that?
19 October 2018 5,589 1 View
Traditional European welfare states are becoming not any more so traditional and generous if concerning social security. However it is still possible to talk about European social model in general...
07 November 2016 6,273 4 View
There were peaks of development, first - in Asia, later - in Europe and Northern America, nowadays - again in Asia. Is social policy in general and social security in particular - the only one...
18 October 2016 9,354 7 View
There are many state pay-as-You pensions systems in the world, as well as private accumulative pensions funds. But can You mention the countries, where intermediary - state accumulative...
22 August 2016 9,729 5 View
Theory and practise of welfare state is not the same as of welfare society's. What is the difference between these two concepts?
22 August 2016 8,569 7 View
Holism has its value in complexity of analysis, not dividing and not being reductionist. But how would You explain public and private sectors and the interaction between them by holistic approach?
26 December 2015 9,451 3 View
There are such contradictions in public administration, as between public and private interests, between centre and periphery, between centralization and decentralization, between administrative...
26 December 2015 9,017 31 View
New Public Governance seems as having wonderful principles, but still lacking concrete implementation methods. In contradiction to NPG, New Public Management had both - principles and methods how...
31 October 2015 4,485 11 View
Do You agree that we can extract norms, values and the nature of activities as the parts of organizational culture in the process and structure of the public sector or public administration?
23 September 2015 4,387 8 View
Do You agree with Ch. Hood's division of the values nature in public administration as hierarchical, egalitarian, fatalistic and individualistic?
23 September 2015 2,525 10 View
The concept of welfare state is not the same as of welfare society. Are these concepts supplementary or in some way contradictory to each other? Why are there used both of these concepts nowadays?
23 April 2015 3,248 14 View
How could you explain the difference and similarity between "reforms" process and "modernization" process in public administration?
15 March 2015 6,304 6 View
Political or social participation needs newly founded forms, as voting in political elections is not enough for maintaining democracy in a good shape and to have real, not formal democracy....
07 February 2015 1,393 6 View
Participatory (collaborative) research as an effective research mehod is known from Brasilian researcher Freire's times. among marginal groups. Do You think such kind of research is possible in a...
01 February 2015 7,171 9 View
There is no doubt that present Russian and Ukrainian affairs influence the world situation. What is your opinion about the changes in social and humanitarian sciences during and after these affairs?
12 August 2014 1,102 3 View
Many believe that the welfare state is the phenomena of the past history in the West and that globalization and liberalism during the last 30 years have tremendously changed the world. This is one...
12 August 2014 5,385 7 View
Canada, United Kingdom, Belgium, Spain, some Eastern European and African countries give examples of contemporary nationalist separatism and independence. How it can be explained from political...
03 August 2014 5,681 15 View
It was time when traditional veberian hierarchical public administration model easily coincided with modern cultural context. Things began to change after postmodernism era appeared on the...
02 August 2014 7,206 7 View
Postmodern times differ much from modern era in relation, also of research, to truth and relativism problems. What, in your understanding, is the problem of truth in societies and social sciences...
02 August 2014 2,939 5 View
As the time goes mass media enrolls more and more into the low-quality short-sighted image and sensations based journalism. You see vividly the serious decline of journalism in television...
15 July 2014 4,083 7 View
The labour market in Europe is becoming flexible and open, but social security is still closed in national boundaries. Less-developed countries are suffering because of emigration of the labour...
25 May 2014 9,841 21 View
There is a big contradiction between conditions for creativity and spontaneous activity and regulations, bureaucratisation and quantitative indicators at the same time. How can we solve this...
25 May 2014 2,449 5 View
Last decades of political life in Europe showed the gradual shift of many political parties to neo-liberal policies. From the other point of view the left very often are doing what right do, and...
25 May 2014 4,631 3 View
It is widely accepted that economic boom in China has risen millions from poverty. Lithuania during 2002-2008 was the fastest European economically growing country, when GDP increased by 7-9...
25 May 2014 3,131 15 View
State social insurance and private pensions funds are widely known in many countries. Why do the state accumulative pensions funds still lack popularity and can they serve as an alternative?
06 May 2014 4,005 5 View
R. Titmuss and G.Esping-Andersen an the end of last century created a well-known welfare typology, politically based on left-right division and de-commodification relations. Can a mainly...
06 May 2014 2,400 2 View
The present situation in the Ukraine and Russia imposes a threat to evaluation of nationalism as such. From the other side, neo-liberal globalization supporters see deep national feelings as a...
06 May 2014 6,542 4 View
To hear that Riga is a capital of Lithuania was a wrong assumption and very common in the Soviet times. But why now do westerners very often not see or not like to see the strong differences...
22 April 2014 3,697 4 View
Contracting out and privatization of social services is in advertising for more effective social administration in the world. However the threat in the underdeveloped world for clients not to have...
22 April 2014 4,421 4 View
As welfare states traditional typology shows the signs of exhaustion and tiredness in theory but especially in practice, maybe there are other ways of its revival? Maybe a community-oriented...
22 April 2014 197 5 View
The panacea of private pensions funds is abandoning its positions in some eastern European and Latin American countries. Does state social insurance have the future?
22 April 2014 6,184 3 View
New Public Management with its private sector methods in many fields has exhausted its potential and is more often criticized at present. New Governance with its openness, transparency, social...
20 April 2014 9,989 32 View
Globalization is mainly for the "winners", not "losers", so, it forms its antipode - glocalization with socially excluded having less or no income, bad education, unfavourable geographical...
08 April 2014 8,026 4 View