Yes, it is possible to look social exclusion marginal are obstacle, but for development is possible if you have will to over come these obstacle.
--Social exclusion, or social marginalization, is the social disadvantage and relegation to the outcome of social exclusion is that affected individuals or communities are , is not based on formal employment, but on the notion that provision of white people and not the needs of the marginalized groups themselves. Source Wikipedia
Communities with multiplex social networks involve a number of separate social groups which are tied together in mysterious ways. It is generally admitted that the most significant hallmark of social development and well being is inclusion rather than exclusion. A society with a multilayered structure can either follow the traditional norms by building walls that emphasize separation , exclusion, and suspicion or by relying on those social factors that support interdependence and equality of all sects and community members.Notably, national solidarity requires a unity of purpose and togetherness for spanning the social chasm of inequality, privilege, and self centeredness. On this basis, wise and efficient progress is the only mission that can be attained through social inclusion of groups constituting a multilayered social system.
My straight answer since we are talking of social exclusion and marginalization is, no. Social inclusion, openness and empowerment of all sections of the population is the way to go because social development is best served when all the people are involved, all interests are acknowledged and possibly given attention. Society should use her population in their groupings as strength and development push factors.
El primer paso para considerar a estos grupos como una reserva para el desarrollo sería dejar de etiquetarlos como marginales en exclusión social. Deben ser denominados como grupos que tienen unas necesidades para alcanzar una inclusión adecuada en la sociedad y para ello debemos romper la primera barrera de las etiquetas, posteriormente desarrollar la empatía que en ocasiones brilla por su ausencia y finalmente aportar lo mejor de nosotros para ayudar a los demás y poder disfrutar de esa reserva de desarrollo para la sociedad que deseas.
El trabajo social es una herramienta fundamental para lograrlo.