23 Questions 32 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Anil Chauhan
It helps in the diagonalization of the many body interaction Hamiltonian (such as in BEC). However, I am interested in the physical significance of the coefficients of the operators in this...
01 January 2018 6,235 5 View
I am curious to know about dipole-dipole interaction and the origin of this interaction. how can i visualize this interaction in bulk?
11 November 2017 6,171 3 View
In lambda type atomic system, the population is transferred from one ground state to another by using counter intuitive sequence of pulses. This process is well known as stimulated Raman...
05 May 2017 8,984 1 View
When I hit a water container, it shows ripples which is due to harmonic property of the water and are visible to eyes. But what about if amplitude is very weak and cant be seen by eyes such as...
02 February 2017 8,469 0 View
Please add references, if any. thanks
09 September 2016 1,360 0 View
The position of the oscillator fluctuates with a root mean square displacement amplitude del x= (Kb*T/m*w^2)^1/2, where m is mass of the oscillator and w is frequency. At high temp. oscillator...
12 December 2015 6,575 25 View
I have observed many times that I met with things or moments that I was thinking about(imaging) in my past. What do you think about coincidences concurring in our life? do they have any value in...
11 November 2015 1,117 1 View
The disorder in human body is related to mutation of genes. But how it works and on what factor does it depend?.
11 November 2015 4,406 2 View
How can i visualize this phenomenon?...Please interpret in detail...
10 October 2015 2,710 4 View
It is observed that most of people become arrogant or conceit after getting some higher education or some higher post in job. only few % of people can understand the humanity very well at that...
09 September 2015 696 3 View
Just a query(space time and evolution): If time runs very fast things will disappear. similarly if time runs slow or very slow things will be stationary(w.r.t what i don't know). But time is...
08 August 2015 6,668 9 View
1) does the music (we love or often we used to listen) signifies our character? 2) How much crucial is the music in our life? 3) why classical music is so relaxed, peaceful and provide healing?
05 May 2015 4,462 3 View
Evolution and time are two correlated topics. We know that continuous evolution is there in nature and time is also flowing continuously. Can I say evolution is consequence of continuously...
04 April 2015 5,890 2 View
"The internet is one of the most powerful tools for economic and social progress. It gives people access to jobs, knowledge and opportunities. It gives voice to the voiceless in our society, and...
04 April 2015 6,559 2 View
"Every one of us have different perspective regarding any problems". which problems we respond most in our daily life or in our research work and why? Is there any correlation b/w these two?
03 March 2015 4,561 2 View
we know that light is electromagnetic wave and dual in nature. but i want to know about speed and mass(due to radiation pressure or force) of light. why this is so strange that its velocity is...
02 February 2015 8,704 0 View
what was the actual problem with blue LED than other LEDs? Can't we generate blue light by parametric down conversion?
02 February 2015 8,396 1 View
Are we creating these thoughts by ourselves or are we following some already created thoughts(like ROM) in our mind? " How to understand the things from itself(Mind)"
01 January 2015 1,810 1 View
Some Philosopher says Time is "ILLUSION". some scientist believe Time is related to Gravity and Space and Time are wrapped together. How one can understand this Time concept? "If Time is...
12 December 2014 5,876 2 View
In BEC no. of atoms should remain constant. That's why we can not use same statistics for photon. but, 1)what are the minimum no of atoms?, which will show BEC. 2)What about one atom(BEC) and...
12 December 2014 1,003 11 View
we use unitary operator for evolution of a system w.r.t. time.can we do reverse? or Can we evolve any system(Quantum) backward in time? If we can, then we could understand the so called Big bang...
11 November 2014 6,799 18 View
Back-action forces can generate quantum squeezed states and are responsible for the ultimate limit on continuous position detection. The measurements of single quadrature (as in squeezed states)...
11 November 2014 705 1 View
"Perception affects perspective and vise versa" Looking for a short and concise ans.
01 January 1970 5,758 1 View