28 Questions 55 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Akila Wijerathna Yapa
Does it mandatory to segregate out the CRISPR/Cas9 cassette after generating homozygous mutant lines in plants (Arabidopsis / Tomato)? What are the pros and cons?
31 May 2018 5,161 5 View
Can someone explain What is “Experimental Unit”, “Replicate”, “Total sample size” , “treatment size” in Bio-statistics? with a practical biological example. I see some places, they use "n=..."...
14 October 2017 8,722 7 View
Do plants have similar PI3K-Akt signaling pathway? What proteins involve?
01 October 2017 1,210 1 View
In heterozygous condition where one allele is dominant and other is recessive, do both dominant and recessive allele express? / Can recessive alleles be expressed? What is the molecular genetics...
02 August 2017 7,936 10 View
Biostatistics: In many publications a ± sign is used to join the standard deviation (SD) or standard error (SE) to an observed mean. There are several options to plot error bars in the MS Excel...
14 May 2017 8,821 20 View
Is there any correlation between CO2 availability and Chlorophyll (a+b)? Does more Co2 income leads to high Ch synthesis? If there is any reference material please be kind enough to send.
05 July 2016 2,254 3 View
How to draw dot plot for different groups and denote comparisons ? (See attached images) If there is a procedure in SPSS/ Excel or if there is any free user friendly online S/W guide me. Thank you
23 June 2016 7,862 8 View
We are seeking to buy CAS 503-07-1 ( /-)-cis-12,13-Epoxy-9(Z)-octadecenoic / Vernonia oil (seed oil) for LC-MS. All the chemical companies that we've tried are not producing this at the...
22 May 2016 6,436 2 View
What is the best molecular biology book explain the novel cloning methods and the general (Restriction Enzyme /Gateway / Gibson/ Golden Gate, Cloning methods ) , Primer designing and Choosing a...
04 April 2016 4,365 7 View
what is the best way to conduct a drought experiment for Arabidopsis in soil media? and what are the important parameters to measure? (Rght now plan is to Grow the seedlings on known weight of...
23 January 2016 5,973 9 View
I followed "Floral dip" ( Agrobacterium in 5%sucrose and 0.05% Silwet L 77 solution.) method for Agrobacterium-mediatedtransformation of Arabidopsis thaliana and in next day after floral dip...
12 December 2015 2,422 9 View
Where exactly the TSS lies? does TSS always lie at beginning of the UTR? Does +1 usually defines the transcription start site, or the translation start? (Because some books shows +1 is ATG in...
28 November 2015 2,187 6 View
How do I produce homozygous transgenic lines harboring a single copy of a transgene using BASTA selection?
20 October 2015 1,099 14 View
As I got to know multi locus markers are the Markers represent various loci along the genome. e.g. RAPD, AFLP Thing that I don't understand is why RFLP is not an multi locus markers? RFLP is...
11 July 2015 656 3 View
What is the importance of binding of small-molecule dependent protein-protein interactions in hormone signalling Can I have some examples :)
26 April 2015 4,911 2 View
How addition of 3-Amino-1,2,4-Triazol (3AT) : inhibitor of the HIS3 reporter gene is function on screening of Y2H transformations?.
22 April 2015 5,399 6 View
I'd like to have information about Genetic variability in natural enemies' populations for the implications of biological control.
28 March 2015 9,202 6 View
What are the precursors of the major plant hormones (auxin, gibberellin, cytokinin, ethylene, and abscisic acid)? What are the major genes that control/interact with them?
26 January 2015 2,854 10 View
How to find a receptor and a plant hormone interaction by using Y2H? Does anyone have any reference material where are some clear explanations? What are the approaches used to the screen peptide...
26 January 2015 7,006 3 View
My textbook shows that all the acidic amino acids are negatively charged and all the basic amino acids are positively charged. I would think it should be the reverse. Shouldn't a negatively...
27 November 2014 8,395 4 View
In RNA extraction we are not expecting to break the nuclear envelope.So, there is no need to use a strong lysis solution. What is the main difference between DNA or RNA extraction? What should the...
26 November 2014 1,476 9 View
Could you please explain to me, how tRNAs suppressor concept works (with an illustration if possible) How Lys change to Arg DNA segment AUGCTTCGACGGAAATACGGCTTCTAA Translation products :Met – Leu...
14 November 2014 3,317 1 View
Can someone explain differential screening of subtractive cDNA library with illustration?
11 August 2014 5,857 2 View
What are the best methods to analyse nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio data in Life Sciences / Agricultural Sciences with reference to Non-parametric & parametric tests? Do you've a...
04 August 2014 9,285 7 View
Could you please give me any idea or related papers or articles.
25 March 2014 1,041 3 View
Could you please help me to have a good idea on "Commercial scale of Plant Tissue culture production" or get reference materials regarding this topic, including; + Major aspects should consider +...
18 November 2013 7,436 6 View
need your help to find a solution for my problem to indicate significant differences in a bar chart plot. The data of the statistical test is available in the following...
24 December 2012 10,020 47 View
I've used 4M Guanidine Hydro Chloride (GuHCl) for Plant RNA Viroid extraction with 25mM EDTA, 0.2M Sodium Acetate (NaAc) (pH 5), 2.5% PVP 40. Could you please tell me ; How RNA get separated from...
17 November 2012 5,341 11 View