13 Questions 36 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Adeyemi Adegbenjo
PCA usually precede NIR spectroscopic analysis being a useful tool for dimension reduction. I want to know whether PCA should be ran on a complete data set or only the training set before...
21 October 2015 8,718 6 View
I am just wondering, why should we have non fertile eggs among eggs laid by hens raised amidst rosters? Was it that the rooster did not deposit the spermatozoon or if deposited, should will still...
30 September 2015 6,604 5 View
I am carrying out a multiple range statistical testing in SAS using Duncan, turkey, bonferroni and Gabriel method. While Turkey, Bonferroni and Gabriel gave exactly the same results, Duncan's...
02 September 2015 1,821 5 View
Im working on a binary classification task using the Unscrambler software but my data greatly overlaps and cant get any distinct grouping of my samples from PCA scores plot? What do i do in...
23 July 2015 6,508 9 View
I have some data from FTNIR and NIR hyperspectral imaging. How do i fuse these two data together for better classification/prediction accuracy.
23 July 2015 241 3 View
I wish to be able to identify fertile egg from non fertile egg. If i have two unknown samples believed to be samples of fertile yolk and non fertile yolk, Is there any chemical analysis that can...
26 March 2015 9,223 5 View
I am running a GLM proc SAS analysis and my type I and Type III SS tables arrived at different conclusions entirely for my main effects. How do I know which of the two tables to use in making my...
10 January 2015 2,603 16 View
I need to study some characteristics of fertile chicken eggshell without the egg contents. I was thinking using table (infertile eggs) will be cost effective for me since Im not interested in the...
03 December 2014 8,084 5 View
I'm doing a pigmentation study and wish to monitor the variability of calcium, protoporphyrin/biliverdin contents in chicken eggshell.
25 November 2014 7,753 3 View
When trying to fine tune the SVM classification model using the grid parameter optimization, i found many values of Cs and gamma with different numbers of support vectors having 100% cross...
22 May 2014 2,831 9 View
When trying to fine tune the SVM classification model by controlling the slack/cost parameter "C" or "nu", there is a corresponding effect on the number of support vectors (SVs) available for...
09 May 2014 6,891 3 View
Choice of segments is common with various machine learning algorithms when dealing with training data. Is there any rationale for this choice for example say you are working on SVM classification
24 April 2014 5,231 3 View
I need a supervised learning algorithm to solve my imbalanced data classification problem. Can anybody tell me how i can get the fuzzy support vector machine algorithm which, as I have read in...
09 April 2014 8,401 0 View