I am intersted in reproduction/handling gamets of honey bee and/or fish.
In fact, I am planning a few projects regarding the effects of; i) environmental pollutants (agricultural drug residues for bees, as well as plastics and chemically-contaminated water for fish, and ii) digital communication (EMW) on bee reproductive system.
Also, I wonder about the actual effects of varying addition levels of olive, honey, and propolis in gamet handling for sustainable morphological integrity, viability and fertility in bees and fish.
For the effect of environmental pollutants on sperm viability you will see a lot of litterature, especially for neonicotinoids impact. Considering the impact of waves, the challenge is higher.
Considering addition of honey in gamet handling, this publication can help you : "
Honey Supplementation to Semen-Freezing Medium ImprovesHuman Sperm Parameters Post-Thawing"