The disparity between "destination success with self-actualisation" and straight A grades - A very useful insights for educational reforms!
"Unfortunately, trying to force success at school can leave children not only ill-prepared for adulthood but at risk for mental health issues, substance abuse, and social isolation. While pretty much everyone can name a gifted high school/college drop-out who later went on to great achievements, very little time is spent understanding how these individuals were raised such that they grew into emotionally healthy, professionally thriving adults. So how do the parents of bright, capable, but seemingly unmotivated children help their children balance their passions with real-world practicality, learn the resiliency of working through non-preferred tasks, and develop a healthy sense of identity, despite their dislike of, or lacklustre performance in school?"
"Students who spend their energy trying to please others or chasing the academic brass ring often find themselves feeling burnt-out and unfulfilled. Conversely, students who are driven by internal goals, whether those goals conform to educational expectations or not, are likely to grow into self-actualized adults as long as we honour and protect who they are as individuals. "