
I recently formulated bovine serum albumin nanogel with primary amine reactive protein crosslinkers. As I bmentioned in the title, I am using 90 plus brookhaven particle size analyser to measure the size of protein nanogel.

even though kcps values were around 4 to 5, when I measured pure bovine serum albumin in PBS solution (2mg/ml), I could obtain around 7nm as an effective diameter, which was very reliable.

However, when I measured my nanogel samples, the effective diameter changed drastically from around 200nm to 100000nm, not to mention that the kcps values were still single digits.

After formulating nanogel I filter the sample through 100k amicon filter.

I followed dls sample preparation method and tries to keep my sample as clean as possible by filtering them with 0.45um filter.

I checked my cuvette with polymer nanoparticle samples, but the size was similar to that of TEM images. I am attaching my TEM image in the hope of receiving detailed advice.

Thank you for reading and have a nice day.

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