Dear Colleagues, I would like to plan a project on the diversity of wood decay fungi in the hilly district of Rangamati. Would you please suggest me the steps to follow gradually?
First, you have to identify the fungi attacking wood in your area of living by DNA-based, multiplex PCR method that can detect and identify many important wood rot fungi
Second, you could collect the fungi specimen and confirm the identification morphologically
Thirdly, you could begin to look for preservatives to avoid wood decay
An inventory of wood decay fungi is a long term project. if you are going to base your data on fruiting bodies of the mushrooms you requiere at least a lot of field work and support by expert taxonomies to identify your collections. Step by step methods for fungi inventories can be found in:
Rossman, A. Y. (1998). Protocols for an all taxa biodiversity inventory of fungi in a Costa Rican conservation area. Parkway Publishers, Inc..
You also can do an inventory based on DNA sequences. For this you need much less fiend work but a lot of expertise in molecular biology and bioinformatics.
The best alternative would be to joint both methods: