Will waste segregation, recycling and ecological innovations solve one of the biggest civilization problems of the 21st century, which are rapidly growing landfills?

The problem of garbage appeared in the history of the development of civilization relatively late, because only in the nineteenth century, when the first industrial wastes, including petroleum plastics, began to appear.

Previously, it was dominated by the almost complete biodegradation of waste and the recycling of secondary raw materials.

The problem of growing waste heaps and landfills of unsorted municipal waste gradually grew in the 20th century with the development of industry.

The development of the industry was not burdened with almost any costs of environmental protection, cleaning up degraded environment, recovery of recyclable materials from waste.

Proecological concepts of industrial development, waste segregation and recycling have emerged and are practiced on a larger scale mainly in developed, richer countries, because these countries usually produce the most waste but also have financial resources for pro-ecological activities, waste segregation and recycling.

Technological, ecological and material innovations should help in the future to reduce the growing landfills of unsorted municipal waste.

One of the key problems of growing garbage dumps is still plastic, which is not subject to rapid biodegradation.

One of the solutions introduced in some countries is, for example, replacing plastic cutlery and plates in cutlery restaurants and dishes made of rice, bran or other types of cereals.

In addition, the complete elimination of plastic bags used to pack different products on paper or other organic biodegradable materials.

Gradually more and more restrictive solutions will appear. A lot of pro-ecological actions in this matter have been inspired by the above-national rock in the European Union.

But this is just the beginning of this process. The question arises whether the emerging new technological solutions, including ecological innovations, will solve this growing problem?

Will this problem be solved only when pro-ecologic activity begins to be a profit-making activity and not one that needs to be paid for?

But even if the next new technological solutions in the field of substituting plastics with other biodegradable materials, the innovations of ecological innovations that improve the recycling and reclamation of fugitive environments, would gradually solve the problem of growing landfills of unsorted landfills, will a man in this technological progress manage this problem? solve in the XXI century?

Will there be enough time for that? In addition, in poor countries, slowly growing for many years, this will be a serious problem.

These countries are illegally transported un-sorted, unprotected, often very toxic wastes.

In recent years, organized criminal groups have been involved in the practice of smuggling toxic, unprotected waste from rich, highly developed countries covered by restrictions of expensive segregation and neutralization process, securing, proper storage of toxic, non-recultivated waste to poorer countries, not subjected to such high restrictions or in which environmental protection and internal security systems do not work well.

In addition, there is a growing problem of sinking this type of waste in the seas and oceans. This process generates a rapidly progressing process of pollution of sea water and fauna and flora living in the seas and oceans.

In view of the above, the current question remains: Will waste segregation, recycling and ecological innovations solve one of the biggest civilization problems of the 21st century, which are rapidly growing landfills?

Please reply. I invite you to the discussion.

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