Hello Benjamin; I imagine that how people behave will depend on what the source of the anxiety is. Knowing something about the dynamics of a pandemic probably would cause some anxiety related to the uncertainty of the government's response to the circumstances...it certainly does in me. On the other hand if a person is uninformed about what to do, an anxious response could include seeking help and comfort. In a socially healthy community that ought to cause people to try to help one another - prosocial behavior.
That positive response is less likely when the President seems intent on disrupting the only effective action available. Informed people see an ulterior motive and uninformed people are confronted by contradictory directions. That, in itself, generates anxiety of a very unhealthy sort.
The direct answer to your question, I think, is that both kinds of reaction are in evidence. Generous food pantries, from-home concerts and the like are juxtaposed with politicized demonstrations and improbable conspiracy theories.
Hi Benjamin, results from a survey we ran in Belgium two weeks ago (N = 1228; in revision) showed that perceived impact and anxiety related to Covid19 were linked to lower perceived institutional trust and higher backing of limitations of democratic rights.
I am very interested in the results of your study. I am currently writing a paper on the consequences of Covis-19 and mental disorders and also on the social consequences. The article is currently being translated. I will gladly send it to you if you are interested. Could still include your result. And there are certainly strong links between social capital and altruism, see texts below.
Prosocial bystander behavior in bullying dynamics: Assessing the impact of social capital. Evans, Caroline B. R.; Smokowski, Paul R.; Journal of Youth and Adolescence, Vol 44(12), Dec, 2015 pp. 2289-2307. publisher: Springer
Social capital, diversity and giving or receiving help among neighbours. Mata, Fernando; Pendakur, Ravi; Social Indicators Research, Vol 118(1), Aug, 2014 pp. 329-347.
The relationships among social capital, organisational commitment and customer-oriented prosocial behaviour of hospital nurses. Hsu, Chiu-Ping; Chang, Chia-Wen; Huang, Heng-Chiang; Chiang, Chi-Yun; Journal of Clinical Nursing, Vol 20(9-10), May, 2011 pp. 1383-1392
Social capital and business giving to charity following a natural disaster: An empirical assessment. Bin, Okmyung; Edwards, Bob; The Journal of Socio-Economics, Vol 38(4), Aug, 2009 pp. 601-607.
The short answer is "both". As in any other situation, whether people's prosocial behavior will increase or decrease will depend on multiple factors, personal, situational, cultural and political. Perhaps the most predictable tendency is to identify more strongly with one's ingroup (and which group gets defined as "in" will depend a lot on multiple factors as well) and to show more prosocial behavior toward other members of that group. Whether the ingroup is defined as family, neighborhood, nation, co-religionists, or humanity in general will determine who will be the target of prosocial acts.
At first, this will inhibit the activity, but will then promote the search for new options. Apparently, this will not apply to all individuals, but many of them, if not most. The question of more or less prosocial behavior is more difficult to answer. Obviously, it will be a complex combination of both, as it is in ordinary life without Covid-19.
This is an important question at this time of Covid-19. Generally it is the case that as one feels less safe they may feel less prosocial or that their pre-exisitng anxiety gets heightened due to concerns about all facets of Covid. Yet, we also see more people show an outpouring of support and care toward others thus more pro sociality as they can identify and feel compassion for others. This is a time when we need healthy, courageous and smart leadership to help bring out the pro sociality that is there in all of us. Diane Bridgeman
Well the case is intriguing in context of Indian society where there is a mixed feeling on the ground situation to fight the pandemic. Poor sections is more negatively prosocial as they fear to loose jobs, food security and social stigma of being encountering the disease. there fears are amplified more by the social stratum prevalent in India. Only the richer people and those of the elite political class exhibit a more positive prosocial behavior to gain publicity and it is in their own interest/rewards. Given the proportionate population I suggest it is more negatively biased score if we relate with anxiety.
I think it works both ways depending upon the person and the situation. It a very interesting none the less. I look forward to the results of your study.
Pandemic Covid -19 is life threatening, i.e. causes fear of death. According to terror management theory (TMT) - a theory by Jeff Greenberg, Sheldon Solomon and Thomas Pyszczynski, a pandemic should intensify pro-social behavior. This will be especially true in groups where the norm of help and cooperation applies. The increase in pro-social aspirations may not be in the groups of very poor people who are primarily fighting for biological survival.
Good handling of this crisis will relieve us of a lot of tension and a lot of pressure and anxiety as a result of our many fears c Social interaction is important at this stage: social interaction is a prerequisite for achieving mental health, and because today it is not possible under these conditions, but with developments today, modern technologies for social interaction can be used with a focus that the conversation in these interactions be positive and not only talk about matters The negativity is where we notice that a lot focuses on talking about the virus forgetting that there are positive things in our lives that we can talk about and social interaction can be exploited to document relationships on the various methods available to us, with the need not to overuse it because everything is more than h This turns against him
The answer of this in true irish ambiguity is both. We have a couple of demographics who behave very differently to all aspects of social policy . We also have one of the most problematic attitudes to alcohol in the world and at home drinking has increased massively. so anxiety is keeping people at home , then they are drinking and then the are becoming disinhibited. The pub culture is very endemic in Ireland especiallt rural Ireland , when they open its hard to see people observing social distancing etc, this is a challenge to our coming out of lockdown.
Just like adult education is influenced by a current need, I think the prosocial behavior is momentarily. The need to survive has been activated in the human mind, and looking out for eachother automatically becomes a norm, until we feel it is no longer a pressing need. Small communities especially are becoming prosocial to safeguard their own. Time will tell where all this leads.
In my society (Palestine) it actually promoted the prosocial behavior. As some people were left without an income source, lots of people offered them money, food...etc, and lots of volunteers were helping in connecting those who can pay money or offer any help with people who were affected by the lockdown.
Also, as we are in Ramadan (the holy fasting month), we could even see more charitable and and prosocial behaviors.
We are seeing pro-social behavior in the actions of some to help others who are in need because of the virus, like bringing meals, calling the elderly in church populations to see if they are in need, meeting and interacting with neighbors, spending time with children & spouse. However, long-standing customs, such as hand-shaking, hugging/kissing, and any touching gesture may be going away forever. Human beings need human touch, and those who are ill or grieving need it more. Customs such as receiving lines, gatherings at wakes, and putting a hand on a child's shoulder or offering a hug to one who is hurting are no longer appropriate. As we see new spikes in the virus, we may lose these things forever.
Really it’s a very difficult time for global human beings. People do not understand how to fight against this pandemic offence. The impact of the health emergency has significantly changed people's lives worldwide, casting a shadow over the mind of an enormous population (people have started thinking about the population explosion how they have made and what is impact on the society). Social behavior such as hi- hello, bye, see off, hand shaking, hugging/kissing, and touching gesture( respectful greeting made by putting one's palms together and often touching the feet of the person greeted that is called "Pranam" in India) are almost going away forever. People might have differed in experienced anxiety level, compassion, and most importantly pro-social willingness during the corona virus outbreak. Although it is seen that increased sympathy has been associated with pro-social behavior. But, what we understand that characteristics of sympathy can affect the pro-social willingness through kindness level. Encouragement can only stabilize panic mood and can induce emotional responses to others pain such as sadness and anxiety. Pain desperation of the health care workers and a heart-breaking feeling really hits us and give tears. Now, motivation is required to alleviate the pain of others above all when people feel others suffering, and certain extent it can help in relieving negative feelings or even physical pain. Kindness and sympathy is an aspect of social responsiveness when it may be a medicinal tonic which can reduce the numbness and depression exposure to ill-fated situation.
Where I live (Brazil) the government has helped the most economically fragile people, while the wealthiest and opinion leaders recommend “Stay at home”. People in small towns are impressed by the occurrence of deaths and momentarily obey the rules of social isolation; others some help those in need, but when national financial reserves of aid stop being distributed, pro-social behaviors will be replaced by survival behaviors. The law of the strongest. Police and military forces are preparing to contain possible violent social behavior.
It will inhibit it, in fact it is already generating paranoid suspicions and agoraphobias, all this undoubtedly inhibits interactive behaviors and prosocial behavior
I agree with Michael. However, the uneducated, non-white, and disenfranchised people have increased the spread of the pandemic a lot by not trusting those in authority. In some countries, people are used to doing what the government tells them, but in others, like U.S., they don't follow the simplest of rules (i.e. don't litter) and ignore government's mandates for masks and hand-washing. I have recently moved to the southern U.S. and often hear "They (govt) can't tell me what to do." As people they know have died, folks are falling into line, but I'm appalled at how many people don't follow rules! I'm definitely against big government, but so much ignorance and outright obstinance is crazy. I live in a rural area (have not lived in a big city since 1970)