I have a general question about planewave DFT codes. Many of the codes require a user to specify both a energy based cut-off for the wave function and the density of the electrons. Typically it would make sense that the energy of the cut-off for density would be 4x greater than that of the energy of a wave function cut-off based on the relation that the density is the wave function squared and the relation that Ecut =h(bar)^2/2m (Gcut^2). However, in certain calculations, it is required to have the density cut-off to be more than 4x higher than the wave function cut-off (e. g. 8x or even 12x higher.) and in another case the density cut-off is only about 2 to 3x higher. In the first case it seems like the wave function basis set would be limited in the first case and overly detailed in the second case. I am having trouble understanding why the ratio of the energy cut-off of the wave function to density would be anything different than 1:4 ?