Probably it is a degradation byproduct. I recommend you using another technique like TOC (total organic carbon) to assess the degradation kinetic behavior and use Mass Spectroscopy do determine what kind of byproduct you are getting.
Your sample may has a photo-darkening effect which is related to the structural and electronic properties of the materials.
So you may need to get XRD, SEM and TEM analysis to check the structural properties.
Herein fined a short explanation of Photo-darkening and photo-bleaching.
Photo induced effect cases photo-bleaching and photo-darkening of the material.
1-The shift of the optical transmittance edge and/or the absorption edge to shorter wavelength or blue shift called photo-bleaching effect.
2-The shift of the optical transmittance edge and/or the absorption edge to longer wavelength or red shift called photo-darkening effect. Photo-bleaching and photo-darkening are strongly related to the structural and electronic properties of the materials.