I've read a jornal about rechargeable aluminum battery with CMK-3 cathode and I don't understand why they have to measurement EIS for performance measurement
Article A super-long life rechargeable aluminum battery
For the study of the electrochemical performance of the battery, the two main characterizations are Galvanostatic charge/discharge technique and cyclic voltammetry technique.
From Galvanostatic charge/discharge technique, you can find charge and discharge capacity, coulombic efficiency, recyclability test and also lifetime of the battery. From charge and discharge plateaus, also you can get idea about electrochemical reactions happening inside your battery.
From Cyclic voltammetry, you will find at which potential the redox reactions are happening.
Now, if you are interested to study the solid electrolyte interface (SEI) growth happening during cycling, you can do EIS measurements. From EIS, you can also find the idea about internal resistance of the battery and charge transfer resistance at the electrode/electrolyte interface and the idea about the kinetics.
Thank you very much but I have another question How should I describe or explain this graph below for people who don't know about EIS but have some knowledge about battery and performance measurement like galvanostatic, cycle life and about charge discharge, Thank you for your answer.
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy is used to bulk resistance. After getting bulk resistance we have to use the formula to calculate ionic conductivity. this ionic conductivity is mainly responsible for Li-ion transfer from the film(separator)
EIS technique helps us to understand more in detail occurrence for the electrode. Also, it is non-destructive method and you can find the resistance of the electrolyte, resistance of the charge transfer, and resistance of the solid electrolyte interphase with assistance of EIS. In addition, the test time is so quick and you can obtain the comprehensive information of you electrochemical system before analyzing other methods.