Do you want to say graphene growth on copper (Cu)?
No, it's not hard to grow graphene on Cu through chemical vapor deposition (CVD). Indeed, Cu have been/is the most suitable substrate (regarding solubility of carbon species) for graphene growth using CVD. The first growth of graphene by CVD was achieved on Cu.
What really do you mean by spining? Graphene is not used to be spinning on Cu....
The CVD grown graphene is attached with Cu and we need some special treatment to delaminate it from Cu. However, the orientations of Cu like 100) or (111) effect the attachment of graphene with Cu.
When we talk about graphene, we've to deal with atomic lattices at atomic level. The nanostructure of substrate or materials with which graphene/carbon atoms are going to attach, will be very important. The interaction between graphene and substrate atoms will decide the strength of attachment. In different mismatch scenarios, the attachment strength will be different. Consequently, the orientation of Cu foil in graphene growth (by CVD) also effects its growth and attachment of graphene with Cu.