Dear all,
I may incur the wrath of very senior colleagues on topics relating to using system-GMM, but I've come to my wits ends and to be honest, right now I am very, very confused.
I'm using Stata 13 and I actually thought I am good with GMM (yes, with difference-GMM)...but applying sys-GMM to my model is going the wrong way.
Having read materials relating to GMM and particularly David Roodman's paper several times, I've tried to set up my model using the format stated in the paper, but my results are getting awry.
It's either the Hansen test statistic is hitting the 'implausible' 1.000 mark, while the Sargan seems reasonable (0.794) and we're told that the Hansen-J statistic is more attempt to correct the H-J, got me confused the more!
Please I need assistance...I have an unbalanced panel data set. T=45, N=1620, the variables are lnFDI (dep. var) while the explanatory variables are lngdp, lngdppc, credit, natural resources and trade openness.
Any ideas on how to arrange these in Stata using xtabond2?....I've already used pooled OLS and Fixed Effects estimators I only need the sys-GMM estimation to support my argument...and honestly, I think GMM is really complicated (my opinion, though).
Help, pls?