Esteemed Colleagues,

I have this knotty question about interpreting the results from a dynamic panel threshold in Stata and will appreciate helpful feedback from those who have used the XTHENREG command developed by Seo & Kim (2016) and Seo et al (2019) in Stata.

Following Seo & Kim (2016) and Seo et al (2019), I estimated this model:

xthenreg lngdp lngfcfgdp lnlabr lntrade lnmob

where lngfcfgdp is the transition and threshold variable.

I have attached the result obtained.

Threshold value is 2.79 = r

My challenge is this: which of these coefficients coded _d or _b correspond to higher or lower values at the threshold point (r).

My interpretation (not sure about correctness):

For instance, will I be correct to say: "a percentage change in mobile subscription causes a decline in economic growth by 0.449 when GFCFGDP value is above the threshold of 2.79".

Kindly guide me, please.



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