21 Questions 65 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Bosede Ngozi Adeleye
Dear all, I need assistance about where I direct my students (about 20 of them) to source high frequency economic and financial data on CPI, interest rate, GDP, unemployment, T-bills, stock...
14 March 2023 9,176 26 View
Dear Esteemed Colleagues, I need suggestions on how I can escalate a biased review outcome at Heliyon. Any ideas on what to do and how to go about it will be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Ngozi.
25 January 2023 6,854 1 View
Esteemed researchers, I will need more insights and justifications into using "per capita consumption expenditure" as a measure of poverty. Please refer me to applicable papers. Thanks as...
03 October 2020 4,365 43 View
Dear all, I run an ECM model and these are my post-estimation results: Durbin-Watson (autocorrelation): 2.1638 Breusch-Godfrey (autocorrelation): 0.4418 Breusch-Pagan (heteroscedasticity):...
12 July 2017 8,153 2 View
Dear all, I need assistance with interpreting the results from Z-A (1992) test on a variable with structural break point. Here are some results: The variable is Gini index (measure of income...
03 July 2017 6,001 18 View
Dear all, Please can anyone clarify which is more appropriate to adopt when testing for structural breaks - is it on the dependent variable or on the main explanatory variable? For instance, if I...
03 July 2017 4,505 4 View
Dear all, I am working on a heterogeneous panel data of 10 Sub-Saharan African countries from 1980 to 2015 using 3 variables. One of the countries has 2 data-points missing from one of the...
16 June 2017 7,884 5 View
Dear all, I use Stata13 and carried out some estimations using the Pooled Mean Group (PMG) estimator. I want to check for robustness. Can I carry out a Dynamic Fixed Effects (DFE) or OLS analyses?...
12 June 2017 6,636 1 View
Hi everyone, Please this question is directed to Stata users and those familiar with the pooled mean group estimator (PMG) that is within the ARDL framework. I use Stata 13 and I received an...
07 June 2017 982 2 View
Dear all, I am doing a TS analysis with four variables from 1980-2015. The post-estimation test statistics and p-values obtained are listed below: 1) Durbin-Watson (for autocorrelation): 2.1876;...
25 May 2017 2,056 7 View
Hi colleagues, I use Stata13 and I want to run panel ARDL on the impact of institutional quality on inequality for 20 SSA countries. I have never used the technique so I am reading up available...
10 April 2017 7,517 13 View
Hi there, Can anyone help me with the KEI from 1995 to date? I checked World Bank data site and only saw figures for 2012....I will really appreciate any assistance. Thanks!
10 April 2017 4,443 2 View
Dear all, I am using Stata13 and specified a recursive model of this form: BC = a0+aiX (where X is a vector of financial variables)+e.......(1) Inc = b0+b1BC+b2Z (where Z is a vector of control...
02 February 2017 8,560 6 View
Dear all, I am working on 'income inequality' in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and making use of the Gini indices from Frederick Solt's (2009, 2014) SWIID v4.0 and v5.0. Due to the peculiar challenges...
10 October 2016 2,755 16 View
Dear all, I use Stata13 and I need assistance on how to graph selected variables (numeric) on country basis (string). For instance, I want to graph the real GDP of 26 African countries on a...
06 April 2016 4,741 4 View
Hi everyone, I'm aware that the Gini index is the most widely used measure of income inequality, but in my search for other alternative measures, I came across the 'Palma ratio' which is defined...
18 February 2016 8,004 10 View
Dear all, I may incur the wrath of very senior colleagues on topics relating to using system-GMM, but I've come to my wits ends and to be honest, right now I am very, very confused. I'm using...
09 February 2016 6,765 11 View
Dear all, Please I need any 'lecture notes' on dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) modelling wrt Stata software.This is because most lecture notes on Google made use of Matlab and R, so...
19 October 2015 1,354 18 View
Dear colleagues, I'm on a doctoral program with a research focus on income inequality in Africa. I will appreciate links to obtaining detailed Gini index for African countries from 1980 to 2014....
06 October 2015 3,732 9 View
Dear all, I have a dynamic panel model and I'm testing for crime persistence, T=13 and n=134. My variables are: dep var: log(homicide); explanatory vars: lag of log(homicide), log(Gini),...
14 August 2014 2,906 7 View
Esteemed Colleagues, I recently made a submission to NETNOMICS and received this response: "We regret to inform you that NETNOMICS: Economic Research and Electronic Networking will not be...
01 January 1970 7,607 2 View