Hi there,

I am currently analyzing effects of an influencing variable (X) on an outcome (Y). There are some proposed mediators in my model, one of which is M.

I use structural equation modeling and I tested for M being a mediator between X and Y following the phantom model approach by Macho & Ledermann (2011).

It now occured that while X -> M and M -> Y are highly significant (and both positive with medium effect sizes of  ß=.30 respectively .38), the indirect effect X -> M -> Y shows to have a confidence intervall including 0.

I wonder what might be a good explanation for this result. (some more notes: n = 128, model fit is quite good [chi²=219.454, df= 156, p = .001, CFI=.941, TLI=.928, RMSEA=.057]).

Do you have any ideas?

Thanks a lot!


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