We are overexpressing different phosphomutants (serine mutated to alanine or glutamate) of a protein by lentiviral infection in C6 glioma cells. When we stain the cells by immunocytochemistry we see a clear overexpression for all different phosphomutants.

However, when we lyse the cells (1,5x Laemmli buffer, samples boiled and sonicated afterwards) and do a western blot with the same antibody, we see strong differences between the different mutants. Some bands are as faint as the control band, some as strong as the overexpressed wildtype protein, some in between. We already tried different antibodies recognizing different epitopes and also did a dot blot to exclude insoluble or degraded fractions, but the picture is still the same.

Does anyone have an idea what the reason could be for this discrepancy?



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