Dear friends and researchers
I've modeled a RC tunnel segment in Abaqus.
1- In order to define plastic behavior of Concrete, I used CDP model and Hognestad relation to achieve a complete stree-strain curve of concrete( in Tabular format).
2- I've just used "Embedded region" Constraint to embed rebars into Concrete.
3- There is just one axial load (TBM thrust Jack) which is applied on the circumferential seam of the segment.
4- I used T3D8 elements for Rebars(Truss section for rebars) and C3D8R elements for concrete(solid section).
But in the end of these steps; after I ran the model, I didn't got any useful result.
I want to know and identify those areas which is in plastic behavior.
When I request to show plastic strain(PE) as a field output. there is no useful result and plot(In history output).
here I brought my model figure and Hognestad relation.
It's so helpful If you can help me.