Why high energy synchrotron source is needed for high pressure experiment using diamond anvil cell (DAC)? High intensity is understood, but what is the role/ roles of "high energy" in these experiments?
I would assume that high energy is a synonym for low absorption. The higher the energy of the radiation the lower the absorption. Diamond is used because the absorption is comparatively low compared to other materials....and high intensity has simply a proportional impact (compared to the exponential of the energy).
Apart from the above mentioned reasons, Generally, the diffraction window of DAC will be limited to 30-45 degree in a typical angle dispersive XRD measurements, above which the diffracted rays cannot be recorded due to this geometrical constraints of the DAC. So if you increase the energy, hence a decrease in the wave length, you will be able to cover more Q range within a particular 2theta limit. In other words, increasing energy will extend the range of d spacing's that you can collect within the given geometrical constraints of 2theta. Synchrotron is a source of x-rays where you will have freedom to chose the energy/wavelength according to the experimental requirement.
I agree with previous answers. I added that in high pressure experiences, the sample is always inmersed in a hidrostatic medium, generally a liquid, but also a solid as pyrophyllite.