I have been purifying the propeller domain of a protein by HisTrap column followed by gel filtration using Superdex column. The thing is that the elution profile from the SEC column is really weird. It gives me a peak at a lower MW than expected (the MW of the domain is 44kDa and it elutes like if it was 20-30kDa) but the most striking thing is that when I run a gel I can see the protein in almost all the fractions corresponding to the volume of the column. To make it clearer, the Vo of the column is 45ml and the Vt is 120ml and my protein elutes between 60 and 110ml. I have never seen anything like that. An important detail: I don't think it should have different oligomerization states as we know it forms a complex with another protein and the full-length protein (containing this "nasty" domain) does not behave this way in SEC. The pI of the domain is quite high (around 9). Has anyone faced a similar issue? Any suggestions on how to cope with it? Thank you.

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