I have cloned a gene in pGEX5X1 with N-terminal GST, C-terminal Flag tag ( total length of protein is 750 amino acid excluding tags ) that is fully unstructured in c-terminal half, and comprising mostly acidic aminoacids in c-terminal. I am trying to express in E.Coli BL21(DE3) with 1 mM IPTG, 37degree celcius at OD600-0.5, induced for 3 hours. I have loaded the whole cell extract in SDS-PAGE. In the induced lanes, the empty vector expressed the GST, but in the lane of induced construct with GST-fusion protein I have seen only the GST expression, I am not getting any bands at 110 kDa (total mass of fusion) protein. Please any one suggest me some idea to express it. Thank you.

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