03 March 2016 7 996 Report

I am relatively new to western botting. When I first learned this procedure I used a 7.5% NEXT gel buffer blend, without the addition of a stacking gel. This is my first time running a SDS-PAGE with a stacking gel.

I ran a SDS-PAGE today with the gels I casted myself. My protein of interest is Spinophilin, which is expressed at ~120kDa. I used a 4% stacking gel and a 7.5% resolving gel. I ran the gel at a constant 175V, however after 4 hours, majority of my prestained protein marker (Novex Sharp Pre-stained Protein Standard LC5800) was still within the stacking gel.

However, my protein samples seemed to be appropriately migrating through the stacking and resolving gel. I noticed there was about 2cm of space between the bottom of the well and the top of the resolving gel, instead of 1cm, which is the recommended.

Will this extra cm cause my protein marker to become delayed in entering the resolving gel? 

The recipes for my gels are listed below:

7.5% Resolving Gel - 10ml

- 4.85mL ddH2O

- 2.5mL Tris-HCl (1.5M) pH 8.8 

- 2.5mL Acrylamide

- 100ul 10% SDS

- 50ul 10% APS

- 15ul TEMED

4% Stacking gel - 10ml

- 3.35mL ddH2O

- 2.5mL Tris-HCl (0.5M) pH 6.8

- 4mL Acrlyamide

- 100ul 10% SDS

- 50ul 10% APS

- 15ul TEMED

I checked the pH of both Tris-HCl and they are correct.

Any help or suggestions is greatly appreciated!

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