Hi everyone,

For some time I have been conducting calcium uptake assays in an immortalized line of astrocytes, I use the 5 μM Fura-2AM probe, I place these cells in glass covers and record for 12 minutes. The cells are in a recording solution [in mM: NaCl (148); KCl (5); CaCl2 (1.8); MgCl2 (1); glucose (5); HEPES (5), pH = 7.4]. It happens that I add the compound that generates the increase in intracellular calcium, by means of a reperfusion system I wash the cells and it is at that moment that instead of having a black background, the background turns blue and it makes it difficult for me to see if cells do or do not respond to a second response. I have not been able to determine what the problem is, I have been adjusting the gain and exposure but still, the problem persists. Can someone guide me to solve this problem?

Thank you, Francisca.

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