Here is the text of the call that I suggestedHere is the text of the call that I suggested

Does it deserve such (normalisation) describing?

The Palestinian Cause through the different means of communication: What Transmission of a Humanitarian Message?   The Palestinian Cause has never stopped to be focused by the Arabic and international societies, whatever would be the citizen’s gender, nationality, age range, areas of educational or professional specialties, grouping together all types of arts that vary between literature -romans or poetry-, music, singing, drama, theatre, choreography, dance, plastic arts ranging between painting and sculpture, photography and either fiction or documentary motion pictures… without forgetting the given care to the Palestinian quest through the media investigation, or by studying its evolution and its complications in the political, historical, social or psychologic fields … as this cause has been always an international problematic, which actualities were examined from deep and different view angles.  The Palestinian Cause has been treated through many artistic orientations, being a common action between Palestinian, Arabic and international citizens, who share together a universal problematic, which makes, every one that does not realise the deepness and the sensitivity of such issue, feel deeply ashamed, and this is due to the variation of its perceving by other societies between desperate and ambitious towards its victory: a victory that becomes easily reachable if  many nations consolidate together to seek for independence, being known that the Palestinian territory’s love circulates in the blood vessels of many societies, making them keen on the Palestinian land.

And in addition to the native Palestinian artists, among whom we can quote the poets Mahmoud Darouich and Rifaf Zieda, in addition to the painters such as Jamel Bedouin and the defunct Ismael Chammout, holder of the eternal painting entitled The Manifestation of a People15 in addition to singers like the recently defunct artist and activist Rim Al Banna, who uses the suffering of the Palestinian people as an inspiration source; so in addition to the yet mentioned above, many Arabic artists have never stopped, whatever would have been their artistic field, and their shining ate, to treat this eternal issue, being basing on their arts as an expression mean. Such is the case of the famous song Zahrat Al Madaen- The flower of cities, which gathers the brothers Rahabani as a poet and composer, in addition to the Lebanese singer  Fairouz, who compose together a complementary artistic team, that shares the hurt of the reverse of June 1967.  The leaders of Arabic poetry, too, have dealt with the Palestinian quest from a deep viewpoint: such was the case of the defunct Syrian poet Nizar Kabbani, who transcended the Arabic borders through his poems that were described as a poetic phenomenon that exceeds Arabic boundaries   ،بوقعي)2011(. Yet, in his poem entitled Only One Way_ Tarik Wahed, Kabbani has said:  Now I have a Gun… Take me with you to Palestine… To the green domes …and the prophetess Stones Twenty years ... and I… Look for a land…for an identity For my home that is there For my homeland that’s surrounded by wires16… (2018 ،يﻧاﺒﻗ)

In addition to the literature, the Palestinian cause has been also reflected through many artistic screams such as docu-fiction cinema masterpieces, among which we can quote: Swallows do never die in Jerusalem   ،يهاﺒلا)1994( made by the Tunisian filmmaker Ridha El Behi: a movie that was considered as a honest film testimony, met by Israeli and Arab criticism17 given that he was attacked by the Arab media who accused him of normalization with the Zionist entity.  As for the arts of caricature and photography, and in accordance with their circulation on social networks, on their digital output that supports instantaneous resuscitation and update in a record time, they have also played the lion's share as expressive instruments that we use  in order to support the Palestinian cause; yet, we can note a great demand for thousands, even millions of examples of expressive images, between  which we can quote the caricature of the Danish cartoonist who pokes fun of the newspaper  Polotiken   ،ﻢلاس)2017(, or the famous image of the Palestinian martyr “Fadi Abou Salah” which was taken a few hours before his assassination, and who, although his legs were truncated since 2005 in Gaza war, he has never stopped to rebel.  

This is how the Palestinian cause emerged through various forms of arts and media, with all that it embodies as pain and suffering, in front of the common request of its liberation that is made by most of the nations. And this is what we will ty to analyse through the contributions of the different participants, that would be deeply linked to one of the following axis: 1) The Palestinian Cause, as it is treated in artworks (music, cinema, literature, paintings, sculptures…) 2) The Palestinian Cause, as it is treated through media (interviews, investigations, pictures, reports…) 3) The Palestinian Cause, as a study and/or research field (in philosophy, psychology, human sciences, sociology…)

DOI:  10.13140/RG.2.2.17026.73929

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