15 February 2014 3 927 Report

In the article “Determination of the relationship between water use efficiency, carbon isotope discrimination and proline in sunflower genotypes under drought stress“ by Önar Canavar et al. (Australian Journal of Crop Science, 02/2014; 8(2):232-242) we have the problem of neglecting the multiplicity again (see my remarks on the former article of I. Blinova and F.-M. Chmielewski).

If I have understood the very short description of the statistical analysis on page 240 correctly, the authors used “Fisher’s least SIGNIFICANT difference (LSD) method” (they call this test “Fisher’s least SQUARES differences method, but I guess that they used the normal LSD) for detecting significant differences between the means. In contrary to the “least significant difference-Bonferroni test”, this test does not take into account the multiplicity (see, e.g., http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post-hoc-Test or http://www.graphpad.com/support/faqid/189/). Probably, this problem is not too serious because the degrees of freedom (df=k-1) between the k groups are small (e.g., df=3 for the four C=Cultivars). However the number of comparisons (=k(k-1)/2=6) exceeds df=3, and in this case the Bonferroni-modification is strongly recommended (see https://umdrive.memphis.edu/yxu/public/SPSS%20ANOVA.pdf).

More serious is that they made 18 „independent“ test (for 18 different dependent variables) in their Table 2 and did not reduce the critical individual p-values. Hence the probability of a Type I Error increases considerably. Because they did not list the actual p-values, there is no chance to determine the true adjusted p-values.

Certainly, there are any significant differences in Table 2 because many of the factors have “significant” influence (because of the non-adjusted p-values, possibly not “true significant”). However one does not know (not even probabilistic) which of these factors are “significant by accident only”.

Similar considerations apply to Table 3 (here we have multiple tests for the significance of correlation coefficients).

A very simple remedy for such a multiple testing problem would be to report “exact “ p-values rather than inequalities (p

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