Hello there,

I'm trying current-clamp recording from rat hypothalamic slices. In the literature, the hypothalamic neurons should fire spontaneously, but almost all of my neurons go deep (-80~-90 mV without LJP correction) in one minute after break-in, and never show such spontaneous firing. Slices were fine, I believe. The neurons I patched could fire when currents were injected, and a lot of spontaneous EPSCs were found during recording. I check pH and osmolarity of solutions every time, and renewed pipette solutions a few times. But nothing worked...

Does anyone have any ideas?

Thank you for your help.

*My experimental conditions are as follows, Amp.: HEKA EPC7-plus (VC and CC mode) pipette: K-gluconate-based solution with phosphocreatine. (3-5 MOhm) Cut in ice-cold NMDG-ACSF, held in normal ACSF at room temperature, and recorded at 30℃.

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