Got problems about Southern blotting...

There are two problems for my Southern blot using 32-dCTP labeling.

One is that there’s no ladder.

The other is the huge weird background. (very clear black in the upper part and white in bottom part)

Here is my experimental procedure...

I tried to genotyped the recombinant yeast strains, so I treat the genomic DNA with XbalI for 37C 4hr. Then I loaded my samples on the 0.8% agarose gel and run at 60volt O/N.

Then I check the gel and found that the DNA was cut appropriately.

After that I start the Southern electro-transferring for 2 hr. Before the hybridization, I soaked the membrane with 0.8N NaOH (250ml) for 15 min and then change the sol to 10X SSC buffer for another 15 min.

Next, I washed the membrane with 0.5M phosphate buffer in the Southern glass tube. And then I pour 25ml Southern hybridization buffer (65C) into the tube and put it in the oven (65C) for 1 hr. [Pre-hybridization]

At the same time I prepared my mixed probes which contain: 100ng of my PCR probe, 0.1ng lambda DNA BstEii and some MQ water.

First I keep the mixed probes at 100C for 3 min and then put it on ice.

Next, add 5ul High primer mix and 4ul 32P-dCTP. Incubate the mixture at 37C for 20min.

Add the mixture into a Mini Quick Spin DNA column, and centrifuge the mixture at 3400rpm for 4 min.

Check the radioactivity of the mixture using gager counter

Incubate the mixture at 100C for 3 min, then put it on ice

Add the mixture in hybridization buffer and pour it in the glass tube (with membrane inside)

Rotate the glass tube at 65C overnight

Wash the membrane four times (15min each with wash buffer at 65C)

Expose the membrane.


Sorry about the lengthy experiment procedure typed above…

Any comment is welcome!!


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