Dear Maria
as Guillermo told, with a single sequencing reaction can cover up to 500-1000 bp. Therefore to cover the entire plasmid you need to design many primers annealing every 500-700bp on the vector to be sure that the resulting sequences will overlap a bit and you will be able to re-built the entire sequence.
Of course to design all the primers in a single step you need to already know the theoretical sequence of your plasmid.
if is not the case you can use the sequence that you already obtain to design 2 new primers:
- a forward primer annealing close to the end ( eg at base 950 if your sequence covered 1000 bases) of the sequence
- a reverse primer Which annealing close to the beginning ( at base 50)
and send 2 new sequencing reactiib with this 2 primers to increase the sequence coverage and continue in this way with several step until you will cover the entire sequence.
good luck