01 January 2016 13 3K Report

I have compared effects NK, NP and PK along with untreated control treatment under lime and no lime application on potato, wheat, barley and maize. Surprisingly PK treatment gave the highest yields of all crops than all other treatments. The most impressive result is that there was no significant difference between PK + lime and PK + 0 lime treatments with respect to yields of crops produced. I tried search literature if PK treatment in addition to being nutrient can mitigate soil acidity, but I ended up with little success except one literature stating that when P and K are applied together, K will be rapidly adsorbed on soil collides stimulating exchangeable Al to move to soil solution where by it will be precipitated as aluminum phosphate.

Thus, I am posting this finding to you to help me by giving explanation to my research finding indicated above in three different locations of southern Ethiopia where the soils are strongly acidic (pH, less than 5.0), please.   

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