I am doing Rietveld refinement of catalyst which have two phase NiO and CeO2 respectively. I am using using MATCH software. However, MATCH is not letting me to select Atomic Co-ordinate checkbox for refinement.
I also tried to refine it with Fullprof manually. In this case it automatically got deselected after refinement while showing no changes in their values.
However, when I replaced NiO with other phase like SnO, La2O3 just for checking, the Atomic co-ordinate checkbox became available for use in MATCH.
I am unable to understand the reason behind this.
CeO2 atomic co-ordinate: Ce : X=0, Y=O, Z=0
O : X=0.25, Y=O.25, Z=0.25
NiO atomic co-ordinate: O: X=0.5, Y=O.5, Z=0.5
Ni : X=0, Y=O, Z=0