01 January 2013 1 407 Report

This article represents the beautiful research you all do. Thanks Pat. You have amassed the strongest and creative minds around and this article does a great duty to them and itself by occupying the space and depth of the research. From cover to end we follow the drama of life. The figures are a great way to give the reader a progression from top to bottom.

Here the familia extensa circumdederunt plays out arm chair style. First the cover art sets the scene; Ancient Andes fauna where eons of the universe have played out, and we tell the story of one little flower and the marriage of life. From the start we were intrigued by the question of speciation, and asked. Can we capture the meaning of this by exploring biological and genetic mechanisms at play in the reproduction of Solanum pennellii? The physical space this organism occupies is the isolating and chaotic habitat of the Atacama desert. A dry niche. However rife with physical barriers to survival, this organism is a successful example of the Atacama experience. Bright ornaments are on display seeking and listening for a link... Action occurs but its not what was expected. Thru a market of energetic exchange a message was delivered.... But that's only the first space, the physical. As biologist read on. So many messages what do they say, what is the genetic space? Some messages of unknown content, others very familiar, and even still those we wrote. The flux of life is photographed and the courtship is a puzzled plot, answering some questions and raising more. Life is a struggle with ones own self (SI), and that of another (UI). None other than the true recipient and that of the original writer may know for certain, but we've opened the envelope and have peeked inside, inside the drama of life.

Article Developmental onset of reproductive barriers and associated ...

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