19 August 2020 3 10K Report

Dear researchers,

In my study, I have qualitatively (with a bit of quantitative) found results when comparing how cities and states attract international organizations. These results I coin low, average, and high, in order to compare my 8 cases. Now I am at the point of justifying these set boundaries. Who can help me justify how I set those? On a 10-point scale, sometimes between 5-6 is average, but in other cases between 5-7 (when my respondents needed to give themselves a score, they score high in self-congratulation). In other measures, I have a system of plusses and minuses. In other, I have centrality measures of betweenness centrality: between 1.4 and 1.8 where everything higher than 1.6 is red or low (longer distances between actors is bad), and between 1.6 and 1.5 is average, and lower than 1.5 is green or high. In the number of nodes, the range is between 14-25 (I put the boundaries on lower than 16, between 16-21 and higher than 21. For diversity of actors the range was 3-8 types of actors (I put the boundaries on lower than 4, between 4-6 and higher than 6). It feels right, but how can I justify these set boundaries in a correct way, any suggestions? Literature maybe?



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