“Corruption is worse than prostitution. The latter might endanger the morals of an individual, the former invariably endangers the morals of the entire country.”

―Karl Kraus

From the quote. It is understood that,

The persons who are corrupting research environment for their self benefits and family benefits, and consider the research scholars and other students as the victim of poor family and slaves for low income. Prostitute is a person who is considered as having compromised principles for personal gain. He/she use his/her flesh for self benefits. These science prostitutes use these slaves (research scholars) for some self benefits like a prostitute use their own flesh for some income. But later one affects only a individual but the former affects the young minds and entire research climate. This is very common in countries like India as many scientists support this modern prostitution and improve the self economy.

Note: Slaves must aware of their duty and rights.

Dr. S. Sudalai Kumar/AP

Social Scientist.

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