if you have a tree (or a file containing your data matrix) you can use treeview and export it from there. You can also use Mesquite (http://mesquiteproject.org/). Both are free. Pay attention to using the right format for the data. Finetuning and adding details I would do in adobe illustrator or powerpoint. Both work nicely
For morphological characters you can use TNT (Tree analysis using New Technology) which carry out parsimony analysis of your data. See more at http://www.lillo.org.ar/phylogeny/tnt/
You can find more parsimony software at http://www.lillo.org.ar/phylogeny/Nona-PeeWee/readme.htm
you first need to obtain a matrix of distances from your morphological data (for me, this is the hard part). Then, there are many options to plot that matrix (Treeview, Neighbour, etc, etc...)
today i tried with mesquite, the data matrix was made it but i could not save with TNT file format. i searched so much in the tool...never seen the tnt file changing options.