Atomic absorption is the best choice. UV is a technique for molecules and not for atoms. If you need more detailed procedure you need to send me the steps you did to prepare your unknown solution. Good luck
AAS has higher sensitivity and can detect chromium (III) at very low concentrations that UV vis spectrophotometry.However, the analytical instrument with the highest sensitivity for chromium (III) ions is inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). ICP-MS can detect chromium (III) at very low concentrations (ppt level), while AAS and UV vis spectrophotometry require a preconcentration step or a complexation reaction to enhance the signal.
1. ICP-MS: highest sensitivity, can detect chromium at ppt level
2. AAS: medium sensitivity, can detect chromium at ppb level
3. UV vis spectrophotometry: lowest sensitivity, can detect chromium at ppm level
The choice of technique to quantify metal concentrations depends on several factors, including the type of metal, the concentration range, the sample matrix, and the required accuracy and sensitivity. Different analytical techniques have their strengths and limitations. Here are some common techniques used to quantify metal concentrations:
Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS): AAS is a widely used technique for measuring the concentration of metals in liquid samples. It works based on the absorption of light by metal atoms in the ground state. AAS is relatively simple, quick, and offers good sensitivity and accuracy for a wide range of metals.
Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES): ICP-OES is a powerful technique for multi-element analysis. It uses an inductively coupled plasma to atomize and ionize the sample, and then measures the light emitted by the excited metal ions. ICP-OES offers high sensitivity, excellent accuracy, and can analyze multiple elements simultaneously.
Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS): ICP-MS is another powerful technique for multi-element analysis. It measures the mass-to-charge ratio of metal ions in the plasma. ICP-MS is highly sensitive and can detect trace levels of metals, making it suitable for environmental and trace analysis applications.
X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy (XRF): XRF measures the characteristic X-rays emitted by a sample after irradiation with X-rays. It can provide elemental analysis of a wide range of metals in solid and liquid samples. XRF is non-destructive and can analyze bulk samples without sample preparation.
Voltammetry: Voltammetry involves measuring the current generated during an electrochemical reaction at different potentials. Different forms of voltammetry, such as stripping voltammetry and anodic stripping voltammetry, are commonly used for trace metal analysis in electrochemical systems.
Flame Emission Spectroscopy (FES): FES measures the light emitted by metal ions in a flame. It is suitable for measuring the concentrations of alkali and alkaline earth metals.
Colorimetric Methods: Colorimetric methods use the formation of colored complexes between metals and specific reagents to measure metal concentrations. They are often used for quick, low-cost analysis.
The best technique for quantifying metal concentrations depends on the specific requirements of the analysis, including the elements of interest, concentration levels, sample type, available resources, and desired level of accuracy. In some cases, a combination of techniques may be used to cross-validate results and ensure accuracy and reliability. It's important to carefully select and validate the chosen technique to obtain meaningful and precise metal concentration data.